Example sentences of "[to-vb] [prep] [pers pn] as [subord] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 It is not a simple case that we can run along , sell a few houses , get the capital receipts and suddenly we can go off and have a wonderful programme and replace the assets which we have sold and when we 're talking about assets in this case I think there 's one crucial difference between us and you and that is we recognise that that is n't just an asset it is a person 's home a person 's home , that 's so important an a I 'm , just to talk about it as if it is is something else , y'know , just some petrified lump of cattle , petrified lump of stock money that was doing no good whatsoever , is a nonsense and I think most of us would agree that it is a complete and utter nonsense .
2 He turned his head to stare at me as if he could n't at once comprehend my interest , but then , understanding , said of course I could go if I wanted to .
3 He imagined the lodgers , who had mostly changed , to look at him as if he were a parasite , who should be working to support her .
4 He imagined the lodgers , who had mostly changed , to look at him as if he were a parasite , who should be working to support her .
5 The male Ixmaritians paid him little heed and seemed to look at him as if he was a freak , but two girls , who occupied the rooms next to his own , became his especial friends .
6 I said and you all used to look at him as if he was bloody king
7 And the Gunners ' record signing , pilloried for his moment of madness in the battle of White Hart Lane a week ago , said : ‘ People in the street are going to look at me as if I 'm some kind of nutcase trying to put people out of the game . ’
8 He knew how to look at you as if you were the only person who 'd ever interested him .
9 Thinking of the faith as though it were a philosophical position , and of those who had come to preach to them as if they were travelling intellectuals , led the Corinthians to imagine themselves as judges between the various emphases they heard .
10 A bit of fat never did a boy any harm , but we 're not going to pay for it as if it was lean .
11 Water is becoming an increasingly scarce and valuable resource , and to charge for it as if it were free is beginning to look absurd .
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