Example sentences of "[to-vb] [prep] [adv] [num] [no cls] cent " in BNC.

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1 But industry will have to find at least 50 per cent of the funds .
2 Defence spending was set to increase by nearly 6 per cent to Rs76,000 million .
3 In fact , the World Bank believes that aid to black Africa ( now running at about £10 billion a year , the same figure as that which caused Community jaws to drop when suggested by Jacques Delors for Eastern Europe ) needs to increase by nearly 50 per cent by the end of the century .
4 The government was also committed to reducing radically the budget deficit by implementing cuts in social spending ; defence expenditure , however , is set to increase by almost 11.6 per cent [ see p. 38289 ] .
5 The Liberal Democrat government of Kiichi Miyazawa had stated in its budget proposal [ see p. 38820 ] that total government outlays were to increase by only 2.7 per cent over fiscal 1991 , to 72,220,000 million yen , in response to the general worsening in the economic climate .
6 Its President would be directly elected : for election he or she would have to receive at least 50 per cent of total votes cast nationally , andmoreover receive at least this percentage in a majority of states , and might not serve more than two consecutive five-year terms .
7 By the year 2010 this figure is forecast to grow to around 87 per cent .
8 GDP was set to grow at around 3 per cent until 1997 , with unemployment declining slowly from 6.9 per cent in 1992 to 5.3 per cent in 1997 .
9 Small businesses were , however , specially protected from the effects of the squeeze , the domestic banks being instructed to reserve at least 20 per cent of their available credit for smaller commercial borrowers , with particular favour to be shown to those in eastern Indonesia .
10 The mainstream right already controls the Senate , almost all the regional councils ( 19 out of 21 ) , three-quarters of the departmental councils and a majority of the municipal councils — and now it looks likely to win at least 75 per cent and possibly as much as 85 per cent of the seats in the National Assembly .
11 The declared aim of the PRC to was to win at least 10 per cent of the seats in the forthcoming legislative elections and to " become what the PDS no longer is : a party of the masses " .
12 Under the electoral law no other parties retained legal status because of their failure to win at least 1.5 per cent of the vote in elections held in February 1990 .
13 ‘ Sugar is still a growth market and we expect it to grow by roughly 2 per cent a year for the next 25 years , ’ he says .
14 A limited number of boarding-schools should therefore be drawn into a partnership with the State , by agreeing to give at least 50 per cent of their places to pupils formally assessed as having a boarding need .
15 There was no " hurdle " to surmount if representation were to be won ( in West Germany parties had to poll at least 5 per cent of the vote to enter parliament ) .
16 With inflation expected to run at about 5 per cent , these boosts represent real gains .
17 Estimates of actual job reductions seem to run at about 30 per cent .
18 The economy was predicted to expand by 8 per cent in 1992 , its ninth year of consecutive growth , while inflation was expected to fall to around 13 per cent , from 18.7 per cent at the end of 1991 .
19 Interest rates were set to fall to around 21 per cent following the Central Bank of Nigeria 's announcement of a new base rate of 14 per cent .
20 With the retail prices index this week likely to fall to around 3.7 per cent , it would add a further perverse twist to real interest rates that are ravaging the property sector , office as well as residential .
21 Although government figures show adult illiteracy rates continuing to fall to below 30 per cent , the real rates are thought to be far higher than this .
22 Although the peasantry continued to account for over 80 per cent of the population , discontent among the urban poor and especially the industrial working class was of scarcely less significance than the unrest in the countryside .
23 Repairs to lexical choice , in fact , appear to account for over 40 per cent of the repairs found in the speech of two- and three-year-olds ( Clark , 1982b ) .
24 Although inflation in October is expected to decline to around 7.2 per cent , because a 1.25 per cent increase in mortgage rates in October last year will drop out of the annual comparison , the recently announced increases in mortgage rates will send inflation back up again in November .
25 Assuming that a target company is confined to an authority of 10 per cent it will be seen that the directors of the target and their concert parties will need to hold at least 27 per cent before the buy-in to hold 30 per cent afterwards and thereby trigger a Rule 9 obligation .
26 At a meeting held in Tunis , the states undertook to devote at least five per cent of their territory to nature conservation .
27 In his speech , De Michelis urged EC countries to devote at least 0.25 per cent of their gross national product ( GNP ) towards investment in the Maghreb countries where demographic pressures were rendering them vulnerable to the forces of Islamic fundamentalism and encouraging mass migration to Europe .
28 According to the Association of Metropolitan Authorities there was a massive 37.5 per cent increase in rent arrears in the six months immediately following the benefit changes in April 1988.37 Other benefit changes may have contributed to this increase in arrears : the change from supplementary benefit to income support ; the insistence that everyone should be required to pay at least 20 per cent of their rates ( community charge ) and all of their water rates ; and the replacement of urgent needs payments by social fund loans .
29 Despite the fact that the DoH expects our contribution to the voluntary sector to stay at about 20 per cent , we will still have some problems keeping the voluntary sector 's involvement at the same level as last year ’ .
30 Left-wing parties were highly critical of the proposals , and called instead for increases in public spending to reduce unemployment , which was expected to remain at around 10 per cent .
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