Example sentences of "[to-vb] [prep] [pron] that [pers pn] had " in BNC.

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1 He somehow managed to pound down to Kouklia on Chennaa , half by night and half by blazing day , and crossing the island was able to see for himself that it had been a more settled and prosperous year .
2 As they approached the castle of Ballingolin , a figure on the south tower raised a hand to indicate to them that they had been seen and recognized .
3 She was trying hard to deny to herself that she had any feelings for him .
4 It took ages to dawn on me that I had to find something else to do with my time other than music .
5 He caught a glimpse of the mast , a cable or two downwind , and it began to dawn on him that they had lost sight of him .
6 I wanted to shout after him that I had made a mistake and that I had really understood him very well .
7 ‘ In Gloucestershire at their kennels and smallholding ? ’ he questioned , causing her to warm to him that he had remembered so much .
8 Sometimes the king allowed subjects to take deer for themselves in his forests ; the warden 's duty was to see to it that they had a proper writ of warranty when they came to his forest , that they did not take more than the specified number , and that they took them in the prescribed manner .
9 Her heart sank ; she had been so intent on trying to score off him that she had n't given a thought to what her careless words could do to the understanding that had seemed to be developing between them .
10 Her first reaction to her baby 's birth had been to cable to him that he had a son .
11 I suppose it was considered such a terrible thing to say about anyone that it had become a totally taboo concept — even for your worst enemy .
12 Joan Waters , too , was left in peace apart from the following two minor incidents which may have been attempts to impress upon her that she had not moved beyond the reach of the long arm of the undercover services .
13 On their way to Estoril in the private jet Kate was forced to admit to herself that he had won the first round .
14 A day did n't pass now during which it failed to occur to her that she had borne two congenital liars .
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