Example sentences of "[to-vb] [prep] [adj] [noun sg] [conj] [art] " in BNC.

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1 They have been established in recognition of the fact that it is pointless to wait for public sympathy and a change of political will to improve the level of basic old age pensions , and the quality of life for older people generally .
2 She had to wait for some time before the door was opened , and she hoped very much that it would be opened by Clelia , but it was not ; it was opened by a thin , brown , balding , youngish looking man .
3 The miners used rock drills and compressed air to drive through hard rock and the level had a hydraulic engine , worked by water from the dam at Sun Hush , which had such a head of water that it developed up to fifty horsepower and worked both the water pumps to drain the deep levels and the winding gear .
4 Prost 's victory lifted him to 47 points at the head of the drivers ' championship while Brazilian Ayrton Senna , the McLaren driver who was forced to retire after running second until the closing laps , remains second in the title race with 42 points .
5 The guidance says that Kenneth Clarke , the Health Secretary , ‘ is minded ’ to go for Japanese-style pendulum arbitration — where the arbiter would be free only to find for one party or the other , and would not be able to compromise .
6 I have set out our determination to work for that agreement and the principles on which the agreement will need to be based .
7 The investigators knew that within an hour or so of their arrival at the accident site , but they had to work for another year and a half to find out why :
8 ‘ I doubt whether you could understand how it feels to know for all eternity that the creations of hell are pursuing you , ’ Kopyion said .
9 If electrons are sent through the slits one at a time , one would expect each to pass through one slit or the other , and so behave just as if the slit it passed through were the only one there — giving a uniform distribution on the screen .
10 This changes their uptake into the brain and incorporation into substances that enable brain cells to communicate with each other and the rest of the body .
11 In Chapter 1 we argued that conscious awareness , the images and representations that people use to communicate with each other and the various forms of deliberate planning and foresight which they use are all partly a result of the myriad social relationships in which they are caught up , and partly a product of deep-rooted instincts and emotions .
12 Where there is only one in-situ anchor , or else you are making your own anchor points , the first person down should have back-up protection , clipped independently into the abseil ropes , and adjusted so as to come into immediate effect if the main anchor fails , but without directly supporting it .
13 The actual administration of the National Union was separated from Central Office in 1921 , and it appointed its own secretary thereafter ; it was a change of no great importance , for the National Union continued to work from Central Office and the Principal Agent continued to be Honorary Secretary , but it was a minor declaration of independence .
14 At most , therefore , there is in evidential burden on the defendant , and it would be for the prosecutor to establish beyond reasonable doubt that the report was unfair or inaccurate , or that the proceedings were not before a tribunal exercising judicial authority .
15 In seduction situations of this kind , where a woman fails to register lack of consent and no violence is used or threatened , the decision in Morgan is largely irrelevant , for in such cases the prosecution will be quite unable to establish beyond reasonable doubt that the woman 's consent was lacking .
16 In between these two extremes comes the large mass of honourable and intelligent outdoor enthusiasts who listen to the frothings and bayings back and forth between the two factions with alarm , but without the detailed information from both sides which would enable them freely and democratically to make up their own minds , and if necessary bring their concerted pressure to bear on one side or the other to desist .
17 To concentrate on new legislation or the statutory repealing of the old is , however , to miss the point .
18 Furthermore , earn outs encourage the vendor to concentrate on short-term profitability whereas the purchaser 's concern is more likely to be the long-term prospects of the business .
19 Please let me know if you are n't able to come on that day because the security at the Palace of Westminster is very sensitive and if we do n't turn up with the right number of people we could be in trouble !
20 I only pause to observe at this stage that the decision , although obviously of great importance , was not concerned with the terms upon which interim relief in the form of an interlocutory injunction should be granted .
21 In March 1934 Mussolini began to talk about natural expansion and the ability of Italy to civilize Africa .
22 The authorities relating to those provisions demonstrated the desirability at the very least of the need to adjourn for fresh hearing when a bench of two disagree .
23 First of all , we must delimit the form of a lexical item syntagmatically ; that is to say , we must be able to state in any sentence where the boundaries between lexical items are ( we shall assume that any well-formed sentence consists of a whole number of such units ) .
24 From the early years following the introduction of the 1924 Regulations , experience showed that the net income derived from grant-aid , coupled with the District 's policy of setting its student fees at the lowest possible level to encourage enrolments , failed to lead to financial self-sufficiency and the District 's financial difficulties , although eased initially , were not eradicated .
25 It is interesting to remember at this point that the EC excludes the Canary Islands , the Channel Islands and the French Overseas Departments , but includes Monaco and the Isle of Man .
26 One woman explained that before she was married , she would be sent into the capital city " to look for domestic work when the harvest had been poor or some additional expense , such as medicine or a funeral , had to be covered .
27 They began to look for more drink and the Junior showed his initiative by going up to the off-licence with the Porter and bringing back armfuls of the stuff .
28 Because the procedure can not apply to development already started and it is generally as quick to apply for actual permission if the planning authority 's officer advises that it is necessary , this does not get as much use as might be expected .
29 The rule says that the court shall not grant leave to apply for judicial review unless the applicant has a sufficient interest in the matter to which the application relates .
30 While firms wait for their luck to turn , investors are doing their best to ignore both the horrible results which companies have just begun to announce for last year and the recent sharp decline in bond prices .
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