Example sentences of "[to-vb] [adj] [conj] they [verb] the " in BNC.

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1 What 's more , someone will have to stay to receive it but there 's no problem getting one of the tank farm operators to do that because they know the tanker driver .
2 They have acquired the ability to read much as they acquired the ability to speak , effortlessly , ‘ informally ’ , and often unnoticed .
3 Rather more docile than when she had entered , Frau Nordern agreed that she would give notice , ample notice , more than enough notice to make sure that they had the room and raised her glass in salute as the manager beamed on Erika and then withdrew to welcome the first of his evening guests , stout , prosperous looking men in heavy dark suits : officials , with their wives .
4 The only way to do that is to make sure that they have the fresh air of competitive tendering .
5 He thinks that the fundamental failure in the proposals is a lack of measures to identify the original polluters and to make sure that they pay the clean-up costs .
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