Example sentences of "[to-vb] [be] [vb pp] [prep] some [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The Jesuit College of St Alban , an English seminary in Valladolid , this month celebrates the 400th anniversary of its foundation , the programme including Mass in Westminster Cathedral but , sadly , no return of the 1907 fixture with Real which the college won , though the result seems to have been lost in some priest-hole of history .
2 Times must still have been hard down Whittox Lane , though nearly all its inhabitants seem to have been employed in some way or another — most of them in the clothing trade , alongside Mr. Middleditch , the Badcox Lane Baptist minister , and Charles Dyer , 23 , a coal miner .
3 The debate appears to have been conducted in some ignorance but , as with much else in this area , a high degree of polemical certitude .
4 It is one of the most substantial ( 371 pages ) reconsiderations of the man and his music to have been published for some time and , although it is not easy reading , it is a stimulating book which opera producers in particular should keep handy .
5 This aspect of his treatment therefore seems to have been managed with some success .
6 It is known to have been held at some time ‘ on a Thursday with only four people there ’ .
7 Not all muftis , of course , were successful when at odds with the Kadi : the aforementioned Molla Nasuh , while muderris/mufti of Aleppo , appears to have been held in some contempt by the kadi of Aleppo , Molla Shams al-Din Ahmad b .
8 What she had to say was said with some surprise as well .
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