Example sentences of "[to-vb] [be] [vb pp] [prep] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Antibodies to HEV were detected with Diagnostic Biotechnology 's HEV ELISA ( supplied by Genelabs Technologies ) .
2 No hint of what was to come was given at that meeting on 20 February .
3 Cures were tried twice without effect , and his licence to box was refused on medical grounds in September 1939 .
4 Throughout the 1950s the size of work they were able to find was determined by economic growth and the legacy of colonial attitudes .
5 This terminated in 1940 , but the right to purchase was extended for seven years until 1947 , when Fleetwood requested a further three-year extension , which was opposed by Blackpool .
6 The multipolar system he aimed to create was viewed as another anachronism .
7 A further consequence of a rather haphazard system of acquiring information for the recommendation of schools was a suspicion on the part of some headteachers that the invitation to participate was based on personal contacts and the preferences and prejudices of , for example , the local inspector .
8 In complex market economies , where the decision to produce and the decision to consume are taken by different people at different points in time , it is important for manufacturers to have some idea of the likely demand for products .
9 The Secretary of State referred to help being given to Russian scientists .
10 It would have been selected for on the basis of our ability to kill certain animals for food and to avoid being killed by other animals .
11 So women do n't need to wear Burkhas to avoid being seen by strange men .
12 The video will try to help them understand the misery they cause and what they should do to avoid being tempted down that road .
13 Mansell was livid and admitted he ran away from the scene of the accident to avoid being tempted into big trouble .
14 The army had initially argued for the sending of an infantry battalion group of about 1,000 troops , partly to balance the large French contingent and partly to avoid being broken into smaller parts under foreign commanders .
15 He thought the Church would be upset by his researches on Moses and monotheism , and he wanted to avoid being prevented from practising psychoanalysis .
16 I , personally , always tried to avoid being drawn into any kind of union or political affairs , but in the case of the Association I made a slight concession in that I agreed to become Editor of our newsletter , which started out as a news-sheet and eventually grew into a magazine called " Coastlines " , featuring articles , reports from the cutters , poems and competitions .
17 Unir Corp , Naperville , Illinois , the systems integrator with the non-exclusive agreement to resell AT&T 's object-oriented environment and language Calico as C3 ( UX No 421 ) , has decided to change the name of the language to C+at ( say Cat ) to avoid being confused with military product referred to as C3 ( jargon for command , control and communications ) .
18 But unless it is possible to escape being moved from other viewpoints , our selfishness can not perfect itself to its theoretical absolute except in such circumstances as a tooth-and-claw fight for survival .
19 The purchaser may discover either at the outset of negotiations or from its due diligence exercise that the ownership of the assets it wishes to buy is distributed amongst various companies in the vendor 's group .
20 Sometimes what we expect to hear is predetermined by cultural influences as well as the ways in which facts have previously been presented to us .
21 One of the problems is that the Government 's momentum to privatise was determined for ideological reasons and on a tight time scale .
22 Russian failure to comply was regarded as unwarranted intrusion into their internal affairs .
23 At home she was very difficult to manage being given to severe tantrums involving screaming , followed by breath holding , throwing objects , overturning furniture , vomiting deliberately and lashing out at anyone within reach .
24 Nevertheless , the Supreme Court of Mississippi found that the finance company was liable to the dealer for compensation for damage to the automobiles , because his failure to insure was caused by reasonable reliance upon the promise of the finance company .
25 How can opposition to reform be contained in other countries if it is so strong in more successful Poland ?
26 Prime Minister Petre Roman on April 29 proposed an extensive government reshuffle which he portrayed as the introduction of dynamic personalities to maintain the pace of economic reform , and which was interpreted by commentators as an assault on bureaucratic opposition to reform being encountered in several ministries .
27 He did not have to fear being overwhelmed by this recluse ; she did not have to fear his vulnerability .
28 Mail for guests yet to arrive is sorted into alphabetical order and kept to one side in a separate compartment .
29 The maximum penalty for conspiracy to murder was increased from ten years to life ; for causing explosions from twenty years to life ; and membership of proscribed organisations from five years to ten .
30 Anyone who wants to continue being invited by any member of the Royal Family deals in silence .
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