Example sentences of "[to-vb] [conj] we [verb] [pers pn] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 With other feelings we may be burdened by their strength , yet still be free enough to choose whether we express them to others by word or action , indulge them or keep a tight rein on them .
2 Further , exercises 1.6.2 and 1.6.3 indicate that these sequence-type polynomials do appear to behave as we wanted them to .
3 It 's what we used to do if we took them off a line and got them cleaning up , it 's a token tow pound ten a day .
4 As the hon. Gentleman knows , whenever we make comparisons the figures that we quote are adjusted backwards to ensure that we quote them on a truly comparable basis in all instances .
5 Right , colleagues , we 're now going to the Energy and Utilities debate and er I 'd like to propose that we do it in the following fashion .
6 There is no reason here , and I think no reason at all , to doubt that we take it of a cause and its effect that if or since the cause occurred then so did the effect .
7 I think it 's true to say that we give it to them and we also drink it ourselves .
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