Example sentences of "[to-vb] [conj] there is [adv] [art] " in BNC.

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1 It is good to know that there is now a growing number of organisations working on behalf of carers to bring their problems to the attention of the public and the government .
2 It is surprising , therefore , to find that there is often a disjunction between the two ( Kreitman 1979 ) .
3 The experience Mr Chairman I have of these situations is that trees happen to fall down , and hedges happen to get pushed by bulldozers , and at the end of the day , because I 've seen it in my own village where I was born , I 'm afraid with all respect to what happens , what is actually passed by the planners does n't actually come to pass because there is always a reason why it ca n't .
4 In our case , they enable us to claim that there is indeed a pedagogy of language teaching and a profession which practises it .
5 You seem to suggest that there is quite a and quite a a different relationship between the quarry men er and the quarry owner than there is normally between say a employer and an employee .
6 The strategy adopted for the defence of absolutism and reason is firstly to protect philosophy from the intrusion of the sociology of knowledge and secondly to assert that there is simply no other way than having the absolute standards of reason .
7 The fluid sample care be used to tell the sex of the child , or can be grown in tissue culture to identify whether there is either a chromosomal abnormality , such as Down 's Syndrome , or a neural tube defect such as spina bifida or hydrocephalus .
8 He was forced to conclude that there is currently no obvious explanation for why his phases of meltwater runoff and accelerated sea-level rise took place when they did .
9 The reason for the two limbs of this rule is purely technical to ensure that there is neither an exclusion of damages for breach of duty , nor an exclusion of any duty which exists in the first place .
10 One of our objectives at Maastricht will be to achieve stricter implementation of Community measures to ensure that there is genuinely a level playing field for British industry and commerce in Europe .
11 ‘ Andy ( Roxburgh ) and myself always thought that Switzerland and Italy had to be considered the favourites to qualify but there is now a dog-eat-dog contest involving three countries for second place , ’ said Brown .
12 Although the legislation before us will provide some elements and go some way towards meeting the criticisms of Government policy outlined in the Woolf report , it is important to realise that there is still a great deal that needs to be done .
13 ‘ It 's fair to say that there is already a little bit of needle between the sides , ’ said Middlesbrough mananger Trevor Hawkins .
14 In fact , I would go so far as to say that there is almost a feeling of relief here that Clause 28 is associated with someone so widely discredited .
15 Officials expect them to show that there is indeed an obstacle at middle-management level .
16 It is interesting to note that there is still a wide variation in the time that people stay in hospital .
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