Example sentences of "[to-vb] [conj] he [adv] [verb] [that] " in BNC.

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1 The burden of proof is shifted on to the defendant and although the prosecution does not need to prove that the accused intended that the impression be false and misleading , the defendant may need to establish that he reasonably believed that it would not be so .
2 There is a danger that a freelance programmer will try to hold his client to ransom if he later realizes that the value of the software he has produced is out of all proportion to the payment he received for writing it .
3 Well everyone has , everyone is entitled to vote and he also thinks that if the time is right when unmarried women were property and he thought it would n't be long before married women to hold property too , so he was also he wanted to reform the Married Women 's Property Act .
4 Rolle stresses at the beginning the joy which is the obverse of the discipline : But although it is characteristic of Rolle 's writing to stress the joy of the contemplative , it would be a mistake to suppose that he ever suggests that the passage to it is easy : At the very start he warns against the specific danger attendant on solitary life — hallucination ; a point to remember when considering the arguments of those who tend to be distrustful of Rolle 's theology .
5 It is not , of course , enough for the landlord to say that he honestly believes that the house is fit and proper for safe habitation .
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