Example sentences of "[to-vb] [conj] he [verb] [vb pp] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 She wanted to avoid Oliver , although she was desperate to know that he had moved out of the flat .
2 It was certainly better than the sandwich and a can of beer that she 'd expected ; if this had been the late and unlamented Eddie she 'd probably have been faced with a walk to the nearest carry-out to find that he 'd finished off the beer in her absence .
3 While Donna lay in the bathtub , inaccurately bawling the bits she could remember of My Fair Lady , Alex dialled Matthew 's number , only to find that he had switched on his answering machine .
4 At that time I did n't pause to wonder if he 'd realized exactly what he 'd taken on when he first became involved with Nigel 's funeral arrangements ; I did later , and often , with deep and loving gratitude .
5 Robbie began to wonder if he 'd gone permanently .
6 He was told to imagine that he had travelled back in time to the afternoon of the abduction and was watching the events unfold on a television documentary .
7 Hypnotists working for the police ask an individual , most commonly a witness or a victim , to imagine that he has gone back to the time of the crime .
8 well funny , that must of taken quite a lot for that actor to play cos he gets chucked around and sort of things do n't he ?
9 Anyway , the mosque was one of the many subjects he felt it safest to avoid until he had plucked up the courage to go into one .
10 He was starting to wish that he 'd suggested somewhere else .
11 It was what , half-consciously , he had been longing to do since he had got out of the van and talked to Manciple .
12 ‘ I think , Miss Everett , ’ he cut in before she could tell him that Travis had only called to apologise when he 'd stopped by for his car , ‘ that it might be in your interests not to see him again . ’
13 Certainly , but I should hate you to forget that he has scored more runs in Test cricket than any other Englishman .
14 Horne 's commonsense told him to run but he had waited too long .
15 It had been a blow to learn that he had gone away to spend Christmas with ‘ friends in the country ’ , and she imagined him surrounded by fascinating girls all more attractive than herself .
16 They were uneasy to think that he had passed so close while they were sleeping but , as Michael pointed out , there was an advantage in knowing that he was ahead of them .
17 With the passing of time , he began to think that he 'd taken far too glum a view of the situation .
18 They had little money to spend once he 'd given up riding altogether but they shared love in abundance .
19 Although he had made it a condition of his NBC appearance that his whereabouts not be disclosed , Neal Miller called next day to say that he had taken over as his handler and to reprimand him for doing the broadcast without permission .
20 Philip had been slow to move and he had gained little by coronation by such a lowly archbishop as Tarentaise — Trier , Salzburg , Bremen and Magdeburg were all unavailable .
21 When he launched a well-timed attack on the greed of the boss class and their salary increases he was again made to feel that he had spoken out of turn .
22 Perhaps — no , not perhaps , but because McAllister , with all her youthful ebullience and charm , was in his house , she had revived something in him which he did not want to feel and he had called up the demon to assuage it — no , to kill it .
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