Example sentences of "[to-vb] [conj] [pers pn] [be] [verb] in " in BNC.

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1 It was his great satisfaction in retirement to know that he was held in deep affection by many hundreds of students who were fortunate enough to come under his caring influence . ’
2 During which time I found that at the worst all Englishmen stuck together in regard to the West Indians … it was like a thorn in my heels to know that I was working in an atmosphere of hostility .
3 This helped the police , who had been demoralised in the past when , time and again , they would arrest terrorists only to find that they were released in government amnesties aimed , in vain , at regaining the trust of alienated Sikhs .
4 I responded as usual by smiling slightly — sufficient at least to indicate that I was participating in some way with the good-humouredness with which he was carrying on — and waited to see if my employer 's permission regarding the trip would be forthcoming .
5 look 's like that an all , I want to know if it 's going in weekly or monthly
6 Oh , right , erm , I think Shropshire 's well placed for this sort of work , I remember when Shrewsbury was , was chosen for Christmas Carol , I mean not Stratford , not Chester , not the obvious places that spring to mind , but somewhere different , and I , I think Shropshire may be full of places which are not the obvious place , but which film companies may be able to find if they 're shown in the right direction , so I would certainly propose that we , you know , follow this line .
7 ‘ Launch ’ is an apt term : it was never his intention to control or manipulate the Council , for it was a sovereign body under his presidency ; his duty was to see that it was heading in the right direction .
8 This is because some tablets , especially those prescribed for deworming purposes , often have a nasty taste and may cause your dog to salivate if they are swallowed in this form .
9 It is the place to go if you are staying in the valley and want a swimming-pool or a tennis-court , but hardly recommendable for anything more serious .
10 Swords , spears and shields are taken to be weapons of warfare , defensive and offensive , and there is nothing to suggest that they were used in any way other than conventional modes ( Alcock 1978 ; Davidson 1962 ; Swanton 1973 ) .
11 In these circumstances it is just as reasonable to assume that political elites or administrative officials are acting autonomously as to assume that they are acting in accordance with society 's preferences .
12 But what I thought if you 're going to leave and you 're going in bed and breakfast , I 've got that sandwich toaster , cos get your breakfast , bed and breakfast right ?
13 Thus , the governors of the BBC — who are constitutionally the BBC — have to ensure that it is run in the public interest ; they also have to review its work .
14 monitor the agreement to ensure that it is implemented in the way that was intended .
15 The current budget for these activities is very low , and we therefore need to ensure that it is spent in the most cost-effective way possible .
16 For example , it is becoming increasingly necessary for much proposed new development to ensure that it is mentioned in the local plan .
17 He says that most of those years are just a blur but he finds it hard to forget that he was locked in a secure ward for the seriously mentally ill for two weeks .
18 Firstly , we have to recognise that they were lending in a market which was being actively encouraged .
19 Living in modernity does not mean living in an age that is intrinsically evil because it is modern , but it does mean that we have to understand that we are living in a fallen culture : a culture whose people and institutions and social habits need to be redeemed .
20 This is a good exercise to practise if you are sitting in a restaurant or on a train journey — but do n't let your chosen subject catch you staring or you might get a reaction you had n't bargained for !
21 It comes as no surprise to learn that he was trained in Vienna in the Maulbertsch workshop .
22 A communicative support system sounds a rather arid notion and so it is important to reiterate that it is embedded in a social relationship and only has meaning in such a flesh and blood context .
23 I do n't like to say that you 're living in a caravan with no proper job . ’
24 And then there is the international novel , which is particularly easy to translate because it is set in a generalised Nowhere and has no idiosyncratic language to disturb its translators .
25 You can also encourage your dog to sit when it is playing in the garden .
26 And I finally had to admit that I was failing in my marriage to you .
27 But it 's n I still ca n't reconcile why it was kept secret cos surely this is a fundamental point cos it is because they ca n't openly declare that how that they are moving away from the United Front , but if they 're trying to show that they 're moving in line with the peasants ' demands surely they want to show that to the peasants an so there , there 's it 's more that how th the Party cadres have been acting out of step rather than them making it clear to the peasants .
28 Thus for restrictive practices the burden of proof lies on the companies to show that they are acting in the public interest : in contrast , the legislation on monopolies is more open-minded , requiring the MMC to make the case that companies are acting against the public interest .
29 This of course is what inspired Thor Heyerdahl 's dramatic Kon-Tiki expedition in which he sailed on a raft from South America to Polynesia , thus hoping to prove that he was following in the wake of ancient migration routes which could explain the cultural similarities he found between the two culture areas .
30 On the contrary , he was satisfied to feel that he was sharing in other people 's lives .
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