Example sentences of "[to-vb] [conj] [pers pn] [verb] [verb] in " in BNC.

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1 One problem of the past year has been the length of time it has taken me to accept that I need to work in the bookshop most of the time even though I know this work has to be done and though I enjoy it ( most of the time ) .
2 THIS is the book which Peter Mayle planned to write when he went to live in France .
3 There is a wish to see a move from residential care to home care and , and home help and community based care , but to see that it 's done in an orderly fashion which does n't destabilize the market that 's out there , and does n't put at risk the care of elderly people who are already using those existing homes .
4 Where she might be he could not imagine and the gap between them seemed perceptibly to widen as he sat waiting in his car for a doleful hour of encroaching twilight .
5 It was probably too soon to see if she had changed in her opinions of him .
6 Rafeedie dismissed the case against Alvarez as " the wildest speculation " and rebuked the DEA for having been complicit in the abduction of Alvarez when there was nothing but circumstantial evidence to suggest that he had participated in Camarena 's torture or death .
7 Xerox is today expected to announce that it has called in New York investment banker Goldman Sachs & Co to try to find a buyer for the company .
8 The Womens Artist Slide Library is pleased to announce that it has succeeded in retaining its Arts Council funding for the publication of Women 's Art Magazine and has been offered financial assistance towards the running of the organisation over the next year .
9 A film to avoid unless you enjoy wallowing in misery .
10 She was starting to look as she had done in death .
11 We no more have to leave everything to hazard than we have to drown in the sea . ’
12 Its firms depend on bureaucratic guidance ; clear winners and losers are not allowed to emerge as they have done in , say , Japan 's car and electronics industries .
13 We need to be here now , and we need to ensure that we continue to create in the future .
14 It 's hard to believe that he started painting in World War Two and is still painting today .
15 You 're asking me to believe that I 've fallen in love with a nothing . ’
16 You realise that this world is not easy and you have to fight if you want to survive in it , like all the way , non-stop .
17 As for the class of goods , where commercial goods are concerned the party acquiring them presumably has some expertise in relation to them which gives him the capability to assess their quality or to understand if he needs to call in an expert assessor , so that less protection should be required in this case .
18 But American imperialism was on the alert to intervene as it had done in the past ’ ( Roy : 1964 , p. 346 ) .
19 The Shepherds preferred to live where they had lived in their shipbuilding days .
20 By the time the General Election arrived eighteen months later , there was a good candidate ( Malcolm Thornton , now MP ) , a renewed constituency organisation and time for the people of Crosby to realise that they 'd done in that panicky moment when they were looking for a familiar face as their Member of Parliament .
21 Surely it is up to boards of directors , executives and investment managers to decide whether they wish to invest in the short or long term .
22 Why should it not be left to individual members of the Bar to decide whether they wish to specialise in advocacy ?
23 The applicant must be a freeholder or have a lease with five years or more to run , and will be required to sign a form to say that she intends to live in that dwelling as her only or main place of residence for at least five years after the work has been completed .
24 There are two sides to every story , of course , and obviously no supervisory officer was likely to admit that he had participated in an attack upon the position of burgh politicians known to be in the interest of the Administration .
25 In practice , you will seldom find it easy to show that you have suffered in that way and , in particular , you are not entitled to compensation to reflect the emotional distress than an unjust dismissal may well cause both you and your family .
26 Er and basically that 's I 'm beginning to feel that I 've thrown in a bit of a red herring here .
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