Example sentences of "[to-vb] [conj] [pron] is [v-ing] [to-vb] " in BNC.

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1 Wherever you are , it is alright to yell if someone is trying to hurt you .
2 She says your child has been admitted but call back later to see if she is going to stay overnight .
3 At these meetings they help decide what will happen in the unit — what the Company is going to do , where it is going to go and who is going to do what .
4 You will realise that words of comfort like this can solve no problems for her ; they can do no more than bathe the wound she has sustained , but she will be badly in need of something to cling on to and because they are spoken by someone who loves her they may be exactly what she wants to hear when she is trying to reassemble herself and face the future .
5 We have to understand that it is going to cost many millions of pounds throughout industry in Scotland and we had better get it right . ’
6 He checks it each morning to see whether it is going to rain .
7 He also became disenchanted with the amount of the correspondence ; his replies become shorter and shorter until , in September 1937 , his secretary wrote , " Mr Eliot also asked me to say that he is intending to write to you as soon as he has several consecutive free hours " .
8 has found sales targets outside the UK snack market difficult to achieve but it is hoping to obtain new sales from recent new initiatives .
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