Example sentences of "[to-vb] [conj] [pron] [verb] [noun] in " in BNC.

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1 I once garnered a useful titbit about Indian life from a documentary about the highest balloon flight in the world because I happened to see that it took place in the centre of the Indian sub-continent where the air can be particularly still .
2 It began to pour and I took shelter in a basement café .
3 The Marine tried to tell himself it was something simple like a mole , but then paused to wonder if they had moles in Haiti .
4 If one accepts the statement that Hizir Bey was mufti in Istanbul , then it is natural to suppose that Molla Husrev succeeded him ; but as with Hizir Bey , so with Molla Husrev , there is no positive evidence , nor even any suggestive indication , that Molla Husrev was in any sense Mufti before his return from Bursa : there is nothing , in short , to suggest that he became Mufti in any way other than that reported by the .
5 Lord Oliver was once heard to remark that he had pen-pals in every department of Whitehall .
6 I remind her that , following President Yeltsin 's recent visit and the welcome changes in connection with what is a hugely large arsenal of nuclear weapons , the top priority of proliferation at present is to ensure that we take action in the ways that I described in my answer .
7 With regard to what he said about Stratford school , if he had taken rather more interest in the school when it was in the control of Newham and insisted on the school keeping up to reasonable standards and if he now put pressure on Newham LEA to ensure that it raised standards in schools , he would be doing more for his constituents than he is by his performance today .
8 ‘ From 1994 , therefore , candidates will be called upon to demonstrate that they understand marketing in use .
9 WREXHAM manager Brian Flynn said : ‘ We desperately needed to score when we dominated things in the second half but we caught a goalkeeper on a hot day .
10 This is not to say that they opposed coalition in 1922 merely from personal motives ; they had a legitimate ambition to serve their country and resented what they saw as the promotion of less able Liberals .
11 I have to say that I hope Mr in fact did n't actually write the words of the motion it looks to me and those members of the education committee will know what I mean like another version of the Docklands back garden fudge .
12 Persons wishing to complain but who have difficulty in explaining their case will be put in touch with a solicitor on the Interview Panel , who will see the complainant and will help to put together the information needed for presentation to the SCB .
13 ‘ I 'd set her down here and dare her to move while I tickled trout in that stream .
14 It is both salutary and stimulating to show that it has roots in people 's minds .
15 There are rules of interpretation which judges are said to follow and which prevent arbitrariness in the process , but in fact there are so many conflicting rules that judges are effectively free to choose which to follow .
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