Example sentences of "[to-vb] [conj] [art] [noun] [coord] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Once a week we have a health visitor who checks to see if the women and their children are well .
2 This is more expensive to buy , but the torch part is lighter to handle than a blowlamp and you do n't have to worry so much about running out of gas halfway through a job .
3 The elaboration and detail of the scheme and the variety of techniques available under it to protect investors suggests that it would be wrong to assume that the statute and its rulemaking powers should be interpreted as being in the shadow of the common law .
4 A day 's work still to do before the Sabbath and they would have sore heads in the morning .
5 My main concern , after the safety of our people , is to ensure that the Americans and ourselves do n't turn on one other .
6 Its chief task is to ensure that the charter and its offspring are being implemented by other departments .
7 Instead steps have been taken to ensure that the classes and their rights can be ascertained from the company 's public documents .
8 ( 3 ) The terms of reference must be defined in advance to ensure that the author and his boss or client are agreed on what is being studied and what the final report should cover .
9 That 's what I says to her , like on Friday when you come in by the time we 've got yo got you summat to eat and a bath and your petrol and everything ready for the next week filled your car up , that we could call in then but like if we have Saturday night you can either go to bed , sleep on floor or do virtually what you want cos you do n't have to go on Sunday if you do n't want .
10 Cos it comprises a checklist encompassing the major requirements necessary to complete and the project and it helps to identify the processes involved , and the stage to which are to be taken , for the s for the successful completion of the project .
11 Television screens around the world seemed to show that the president and his associates were guilty as charged and there could be no doubt that public confidence in the Nixon administration had been shattered .
12 The intention was to place a legal obstacle in the way of anyone seeking to imitate the Ordainers , but the Statute of York should not be taken to mean that the king and his supporters had a high view of the function of parliament .
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