Example sentences of "[to-vb] [conj] [verb] [adv] on the " in BNC.

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1 The Somme dragged on through July , a futile and terrible battle of attrition that cost hundreds of thousands of lives , through Aubers Ridge , Delville Wood , where the Cameronians had a section of trench they called Buchanan Street , and into a dreadful September , when Haig decided to try and break through on the Somme with a secret weapon , the tank .
2 The men were ordered to strip and lay down on the grass .
3 You 've got a long and full life ahead of you , chum , so you must now stop worrying and go back to sleep and catch up on the strength you 'll need for living it up when you 're better . ’
4 Recently , it is said that the pair enjoyed ‘ an evening walk by the river ’ in the course of which ‘ they wandered deep in conversation , pausing only to kiss and cuddle tenderly on the deserted towpath . ’
5 She is able to eat and drink normally on the day she is admitted but on the following day is allowed nothing at all by mouth for 4 hours prior to surgery .
6 This claim is difficult to prove and depends primarily on the point of view of the observer : for some , Lord Rees-Mogg , a former editor of the Times , was just a mouthpiece of the government , while Lord Palumbo is very independent ; others argue the reverse .
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