Example sentences of "[to-vb] [conj] [verb] [adv] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 They are designated by local authorities which must then pay special attention to any applications to demolish or build anew within the area 's boundaries .
2 The Queen had convenanted not to give licence to any others to search or dig etc. in the eight counties reserved , or in Wales , and that none would search without consent of the patentees , and that she would " deface and distroy all tools , instruments &c. save only of the Patentees . "
3 In any case , there are almost certain to be many transactions which are difficult to discover or to understand merely from the books and papers of the company .
4 ‘ I tried so hard , you see , to give him extra attention — extra love — to try and make up for the loss of Maman .
5 It is rarely useful to try and adjust fully to the time-zone transition before the journey , since this will interrupt your life-style too much .
6 The Somme dragged on through July , a futile and terrible battle of attrition that cost hundreds of thousands of lives , through Aubers Ridge , Delville Wood , where the Cameronians had a section of trench they called Buchanan Street , and into a dreadful September , when Haig decided to try and break through on the Somme with a secret weapon , the tank .
7 Yes I was going to say about to try and start later in the morning if that would suit people .
8 And three or four of them like this , they have to try and come up with the the right solution .
9 Got to try and come up with the rest of them that 's how they done it , a couple of days after somebody re-enact that again .
10 The sounds produced by this rack are certainly impressive , although I must say that to try and get away from the overall processed sound was almost impossible .
11 Whenever I turn to try and get out of the cage , someone is offended or upset , says I 'm defying them or humiliating them .
12 Bearing in mind that there 's something like forty companies chasing about eighteen percent of this market , do you honestly feel that your advertising revenue is going to go down as quickly as feel if you want to try and keep ahead of the the pack and keep up with the leaders .
13 It will do you no good to try and keep away from the hub of activity and hope that by making no impression you will not make a bad impression .
14 Their job is to try and keep up with the train on nearby roads and hopefully help catch the faster of the trespassers fleeing from their colleagues on the trackside .
15 Being authentic ( ‘ feeling real ’ ) is bound up with a capacity to accept and live constructively with the contradictions between the positive and negative elements of life .
16 Some of the sites are enormously rich , however , and the history of palaeontology is punctuated by quite unscientific feuds between experts trying to find and hold on to the best sites for the most spectacular vertebrates .
17 He indicated a swing-seat , but with a shake of her head she refused to sit , preferring to stand and go straight into the attack .
18 He turned off the light and crossed to the window to stand and stare out across the back of the houses .
19 It is good for leaders to be aware of these if only to see that to gather together towards the Lord may take some time .
20 However , when he poses the question of whether his method could work as well for the class struggle as for the boxing match , Sartre admits that he finds it impossible to answer and returns instead to the much easier case of sub-groups .
21 Which was supposed to open and flap back at the end of the world and let her out , resurrected .
22 It requires an adult to participate and stay up for the night .
23 He motioned his family and Paul to halt and pointed silently across the river to a herd of muntjac grazing in the long grass .
24 Establish an Arms Conversion Agency to help arms manufacturers to diversify and convert out of the defence field , funded by savings made in the defence budget .
25 I was strong enough next morning to go and look out of the front window .
26 And the lads used to go and pinch out of the girls ' bags .
27 He turned to thank and speak briefly to the pilot .
28 The men were ordered to strip and lay down on the grass .
29 ‘ An alternative theory is that the killer knocked him out first , then went into the washroom to strip and came back for the final throat-cutting before Berowne had a chance to come round .
30 The first trick is to get left of the chockstone and stop in the Jacuzzi Pool , next , to pivot and line up for the exit slot which is only 2½ ft–3ft wide in a foaming pool whose diameter is only 18 ins more than a boat 's length .
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