Example sentences of "[to-vb] [conj] [verb] [pron] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 The makeshift bomb lobbed into an upstairs bedroom was packed with nuts , bolts and glass in an attempt to kill or maim anyone in the room .
2 Hindus revere nature but never feel any need to marshal or mould it into a design of their own : a banyan tree will almost be encouraged to spread its drooping creepers into the middle of any village market , or to block any backwoods track .
3 Community Care Grants are to enable people to establish or maintain themselves in the community rather than having to be in hospitals , nursing homes and residential care homes etc .
4 And it 's much easier to try and control it on the clutch .
5 There 'd been yet another cancelled lesson only today and Ronni was feeling even angrier and edgier than ever as , just after lunchtime , she made her way down the garden towards the villa 's private little jetty , a corner she had n't explored before , to try and calm herself with a breath of air .
6 It would be better to try and beat them at the bottom of the curve rather than when the South Africans were improving .
7 They are then invited to try and throw them in a basket one at a time without looking at the value .
8 . The other ideal , which I have n't got round to doing would be to try and appoint somebody on a short term basis .
9 He had practiced putting on his kitchen floor at home during the winter to try and prepare himself for the greens .
10 Her advice is to try and treat it as a normal meal .
11 Had Furlanetto done his homework on the great singers of the past , simply in order to try and absorb something of the tradition in double-quick time ?
12 He cared enough about his loathsome , drunken and violent third wife , Mayo Methot , not to leave her until he knew she had gone to the furthest extremes to try and cure herself of the alcoholism that threatened to ruin both their lives .
13 They are given several balloons and the object is to try and hit them over the heads of the team opposite and onto the floor .
14 Cumberland also felt some anxiety about the security of Blair Castle , situated about eight miles [ 13 km ] north-west of Pitlochry , the ancestral home of Lord George Murray , who obtained permission from Prince Charles to try and regain it from the government forces occupying it , but his light guns proved ineffective against the castle 's 7-ft [ 2.1-m ] thick walls .
15 So will more than likely be off next week , but I do want to try and get something done with this and some of the other accounts , I want to try and get them out the way before I
16 and take an extra dose at night to try and get you into a sleep so we can get you back into sleeping rather than up prowling about during the night , cos it does no good at all .
17 If we 'd just attacked they 'd have killed you immediately , so I thought it best to try and get you to a safer distance before anything happened . ’
18 Buchanan 's Triangles clubmate Mark Tosh pushed hard to try and catch him on the five-mile run but the Derry man won in a time of 1.28.52 .
19 Except to note that now that the right honourable member for Chesterfield is publishing his former speeches as a video , it is rather a cheap operation to come and repeat them in the chamber er rather than putting them out er for public consumption there are places where he could repeat the kind of speeches just given , unfortunately the government is closing most of them down at the moment and putting the cut the inhabitants out in the community er but it had no relevance to the er the subject we 're dealing with today .
20 We got him to come and fix it before the first session .
21 Thank you all very much indeed and thank you particularly for making an effort to come and join us at the A G M , apart from the fact that it would be tedious in the extreme to look at an empty room , I do understand
22 We need some of the younger , newly retired to come and join us in the fight to restore the dignity and security that should be there for everyone in the autumn of their lives .
23 The head had asked the educational psychologist to come and assess him with a view to producing a formal Statement of Special Educational Needs .
24 Yeah and my sister in law used to come M my brother 's wife used to come and help us with the cleaning at night .
25 So , if any of you would like to come and see us at the salon we will both be there and very happy to see and answer any of your questions .
26 the first year and the most you get out of them is they do n't even bother to come and see you in the corridor do , who went down ?
27 The Society 's slot at the Barbican Festival is at 2.15 p.m. on Sunday 28 May Do come — Dressed to work and support us in the ‘ Come and try it ’ session and cheer the NDT on .
28 The effects of the Great Depression and a renewed possibility of war in Europe in the 1930s made most Americans all the more determined to isolate and insulate themselves from the quarrels and atavism of the nations of Europe .
29 He ‘ made ’ this year 's Grand National winner , according to trainer Nick Gaselee , teaching the equine giant , nicknamed the Monster Muncher , how to jump and handle himself in a race .
30 After I turned the engine off and opened the door , I found my legs had turned to blancmange and moulded themselves into a sitting position .
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