Example sentences of "[to-vb] [conj] [noun] be the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Chapman did n't want Oldham to know that Taylor was the man he was after in case they refused to part with him .
2 The difference between the rhetorical and social representational approaches can be illustrated by considering a quotation from Moscovici ( 1984 ) , in which he is discussing the social nature of social representations : ‘ The word ‘ social ’ was meant to indicate that representations are the outcome of an unceasing babble and a permanent dialogue between individuals , a dialogue that is both internal and external , during which representations are echoed or complemented ’ ( Moscovici , 1984 : 950 ) .
3 What ideas do you have of how you and your intended will continue to assure that God is the number one priority in your relationship ?
4 Terry had played a fair bit of golf so would join in these chats , happy to acknowledge that Frank was the expert .
5 Sir Leon Brittan , then commissioner in charge of competition policy , says there is insufficient evidence to suggest that differences are the result of anti-competitive behaviour .
6 The question remains as to the cause and the manifestation of these crises , since merely to assert that crises are the result of the disturbances of equilibrium does not in itself locate the precise nature of the process — it merely poses it .
7 But because , in terms of our Christian moral code , this is a shameful matter we are inclined to push it to one side and to assume that kinship is the equivalent of " blood relationship " which implies , or should imply , biological connection .
8 This example points to an underlying trend in the English language : to assume that male is the norm and to define women by reference to their sexuality .
9 If the pond level only drops during periods of hot weather it is safe to assume that evaporation is the cause .
10 It is obvious that the FLN [ the former ruling National Liberation Front ] had led our country into this dead end , and the FIS had not missed a chance throughout this campaign to deny that Islam is the opposite of human rights , the opposite of democracy …
11 How solemn it is to believe that Jesus is the son of God , the saviour of the world , and yet to reject him .
12 POLITICIANS seem to forget that children are the losers when they keep fiddling around with education , as is shown by this week 's fiasco over GCSE results .
13 This is not to say that tradition was the rule .
14 An attempt has been made by Nightingale to show that Rochester was the centre from which an area of land to the north had been centuriated on the regular basis of 20 by 20 actus squares .
15 Kenneth Wilkie , asked in the early 1970s to write a feature article on van Gogh for the Holland Herald , has done his best to show that Vincent was the father of Sien 's unborn child .
16 It would have been tactless to reveal that Sybil was the author .
17 When Clausewitz described war as ‘ the continuation of policy by other means ’ , Lenin also understood this to mean that peace was the continuation of war by other means .
18 He went on to prove that earthquakes were the result of electrical disturbances of the air of which the movement of the Earth was a secondary effect , that sponges were not living creatures and that the deluge took place in the Autumn .
19 Finally , models of care management must be tracked carefully and evaluated to show whether brokerage is the hub or the rub of community care .
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