Example sentences of "[to-vb] [adv] with his [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Frank was keen to carry on with his commitments in Blackpool … particularly with the Labour Party conference , he did n't want to let them down .
2 The largest companies told Mr Chiles they were willing to go along with his programme in the belief that they could compete .
3 Ian Woosnam had to dash thousands of miles around the world to meet up with his team-mates at The Belfry .
4 Speaking to his supporters in Houston , Bush said he had telephoned Clinton to congratulate him and promised to work closely with his successor to ‘ ensure a smooth transition of power ’ .
5 This enabled the president to attend a large number of these gatherings , thereby delivering on his promises to work closely with his cabinet in the formulation of policy .
6 Tate , who admitted assault , was told he would get a five-week sentence when he next appeared to fit in with his break from the ship .
7 He had been well educated , and came from a home where much love was shown , but alone in the darkness he imagined a thousand evil eyes upon him , and his one instinct was to blast away with his gun with murder in his heart .
8 His remarks were designed to ease current tensions between him and union chiefs which have been triggered by his determination to press ahead with his plans for party voting reforms .
9 Chris had written a letter to Tina Jelly in Aldershot saying that he still loved her and missed her a lot , but was sure that until he came home she would be able to go out with his mates from the Royal Signals .
10 He remained at heart a scholar , rising at 5 a.m. each day to keep up with his reading of new books from abroad and often having Continental scholars staying with him , under whose influence he came to have an extreme Reformist attitude to the Mass .
11 The gardener had become a hermit because he could not abide fools ; but since the bear spoke scarcely three words in the course of the day , he was able to get on with his work without disturbance .
12 Leopold had evidently requested leave of absence to travel again with his son on at least one occasion , and finally in August 1777 Mozart wrote to the Archbishop :
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