Example sentences of "[to-vb] [adv] in [adj] [noun] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 As the sun began to set over Auckland they took a short flight on a tiny seaplane , and the gold light enhanced the aerial view of Auckland as the lights began to come on in white wood houses , skyscrapers , hotels .
2 Except that she 's got to clock in in five minutes time .
3 it 's just about to come out in three weeks time
4 I went for an audition and they told me to come back in six months time I was determined to get the part so I practised day and night to be him . ’
5 Erm I still have to come back in some ways Patrick to er this this no car situation .
6 They are the ideas favoured the world over by generalists holding advanced business degrees and they seem to work well in certain business situations .
7 Virtual reality is a way of enabling information users to participate directly in complex multimedia environments , often by actually entering those environments with their own human senses .
8 Christmas in the Scrubs ought to crop up in some colour magazine , Home Office permitting .
9 The change in status would have allowed Switzerland to participate fully in broader Framework programmes , although it would not yet have been eligible for direct financial support .
10 Fostering attitudes of fair treatment for all and developing the skills needed to participate actively in human rights issues are just as important .
11 The government on Sept. 24 granted foreign institutions permission to invest directly in all stock market operations .
12 They often think that if their flying is good enough , it is safe for them to press on in any weather conditions .
13 I would also hold that he was not obliged to do so in discretionary life sentence cases .
14 PAPERSAVE is the first commercial stationer and paper merchant in Scotland to deal exclusively in recycled paper products .
15 Many analysts agreed that the primary purpose of this was to place the FMLN on the same footing as the Army and that the primary purpose of the offensive was not to secure military objectives but to place pressure on the government and the Army to negotiate seriously in future peace talks .
16 So you know there the recoveries are very good , very welcomed by us , but basically we 're two years now since this happened erm pensioners have been suffering extreme mental turmoil for that period , quite frankly they 're , they 're utterly confused , they do n't understand what 's happening and to ask those sort of people to rely and put their s their , their whole future security on the outcomings of out of court settlements where claims are made for two hundred million and there 's a thirty two million you know they 're getting totally confused and I think that that they just do not know what 's happening , they , they want long-term security , we 're now getting an increasing number of people who 've retired since the schemes were wound up and are therefore getting a hundred per cent of their , their money from the company fund , which we 're told is going to run out in two-and-a-half years time .
17 IBM is anxious to recruit more North West and Welsh firms to take part in the on-going survey , which is due to report again in six months time , Peter Willis , a consultant with the computer giant , said last night .
18 It is not difficult to see why in unplanned discourses speakers interested in successful communication should modify or correct the interpretation of utterances they have already made .
19 A student who is forced to live out may be lodging with the old lady who seems to feature regularly in local government finance debates .
20 Young people from working-class backgrounds , for instance , are more likely to spend time with a boy/girl-friend whereas young people from G middle-class backgrounds continue to move around in mixed sex groups for a longer period , perhaps anticipating an extended period of dependence on parents as they head for further or higher education .
21 Anthony Storr 's project , in this collection of essays , is to use psychoanalytical principles to show how in each case weakness produced strength .
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