Example sentences of "[to-vb] [adv] and [verb] [prep] his " in BNC.

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1 However , I find Turner 's work on the results of such movement into the liminal state to be a very useful way of interpreting what an insider experiences when he moves to the margins of his own domain , and I suspect that many such transformations across fiercely defended boundaries of cultural experience lend the individual the chance to stand aside and reflect on his subjective place in the order of things .
2 After two days , in which it had become clear that Daod was organizing a drug shipment from Lebanon via Cyprus to Bulgaria , a well-worn route through the Eastern bloc into Western Europe , he decided to go home and sleep with his wife instead of staying on the job , as instructed , in case of overnight calls .
3 If possible , choose a container which the man is able to put on and empty on his own .
4 What other libraries , museums and centres may help me ? reminding us that the maturer student will wish to venture further and work in his own time .
5 Tom thought that once Willie had finished his final Reading Book he would n't want him to read to him any more , but Willie loved to sit back and listen to his voice and so the stories continued .
6 He left her to settle down and went into his study .
7 Corbett pushed through the crowd to get away and stood with his back to a pillar .
8 he began to laugh uproariously and glanced at his companion .
9 His bus-load of senior schoolboys were all over Aurae Phiala by this time , gushing downhill towards the river like streams in spate , and no doubt he was free for a minute or two to breathe again and care about his own theories and idylls .
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