Example sentences of "[to-vb] [adv] [pers pn] [is] that [art] " in BNC.

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1 This may help us to understand why it is that the family was never more expertly advised , psychoanalysed and researched , yet never has it fallen apart more dramatically than in the last generation .
2 Modern instrumentalism has adapted this strategy to explain how it is that the election of social democratic parties into government , or the advent of other coalitions orientated in part to working-class voters ( such as Franklin Roosevelt 's ‘ new deal ’ administration in the USA ) , have not qualified the fundamentally capitalist character of the liberal democratic state .
3 First , it is difficult to account for the very different forms of state intervention and political representation if one follows the instrumentalist position , and it is also difficult to explain how it is that the whole capitalist system coheres and is reproduced if the capitalists do not control and dominate the bureaucratic and political levers of the state , as modern instrumentalists now accept .
4 Bumble-bees do not have advanced knowledge of aeronautical science , yet some extremely complicated maths is required to explain why it is that a bumble-bee can fly .
5 It is difficult to distinguish cause and effect ; and even if we could be sure that the low level of orienting in the pre-exposed subjects was responsible for their retarded conditioning , it would still be necessary to explain why it is that the OR should return when reinforced training begins .
6 In addition , they help to explain why it is that the average length of custody imposed by the higher courts is a historically proven index of prison population generally , once allowance has been made for changes in the level of recorded crime ( Home Office , 1956 ; but cf.
7 Finally , and perhaps most importantly , this account fails to explain why it is that the forms of state intervention have shown tremendous variability in capitalist economies and why it is that not every country had the same welfare and interventionist economic policies .
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