Example sentences of "[to-vb] [adv] [prep] [noun sg] [be] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 This tendency to look abroad for inspiration is not new , of course .
2 There 's always things to look forward to football is n't there ?
3 In general , this is probably because the pressure on boys and young men to go out to work is much greater .
4 My own experience , backed up by that of field workers I have talked with and beginning to be supported by some research evidence suggests that other factors such as personal maturity and the will and opportunity to keep up to date are even more important .
5 last week and er what I want to get out of course is obviously increased confidence and skill at sort of maintaining the aims of the meeting or the presentation
6 A good way to stay out of trouble is never to see nobody . ’
7 To expect them to stride manfully towards independence is rather like asking them to dive before they have been taught to swim .
8 The first thing you would notice about the landscape if you were to travel back in time was how wet it was .
9 This opportunity to strike out for independence was precisely what her fiery Arien temperament craved !
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