Example sentences of "[to-vb] [adv] [pron] it be [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Spilling the knots from one 's entrails out onto paper is n't likely to make a poem or story that others will want to read , but many writers do have to go through the ‘ spilling ’ process in order to know just what it is they have to hammer into shape .
2 One of the problems is you ne , it 's alright saying something on the environment , you have to tighten up what it is you 're gon na do .
3 The only thing I would add is that you need to find out what you are good at ; you need to find out what it is you can contribute which other people ca n't and that is something which only you can find out for yourself .
4 At last , incredibly , I 'm going to find out what it is I 've been missing … wanting !
5 And that involved talking to the client to find out what it was they wanted ?
6 I 'll just have to work out what it was he said he wanted .
7 Your first priority is to identify exactly what it is you are trying to achieve with your golf swing .
8 Yet he seemed to be able to switch off whatever it was he experienced .
9 And , unless you are that raving genius we have met before , you would do well to analyse exactly what it is your detective novel is about before you embark on detailed plotting , let alone the actual writing .
10 However , for us to improve our ability to control corporate crime , it is first necessary to grasp just what it is we might want to control .
11 An' then we 'ave a look at Bill 's book to check out what it was we got up to .
12 Like UK language schools , ELT publishers , particularly the smaller ones , may need to examine exactly what it is they have to offer .
13 ‘ Can you do something for me ? ’ she asked without preamble , and went on to explain quickly what it was she wanted done .
14 Before the meeting took place , Pat Bellis took Kingston to one side to enquire just who it was who was spreading the ‘ split ’ rumours in Manchester .
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