Example sentences of "[to-vb] [adv] [pron] have be [prep] " in BNC.

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1 At the end she left I said do ring Cathy if you feel like it because I 'm sure she wo n't mind well it would be nice for us to find out who 's been through the same thing recently .
2 She used to wonder where he 'd been in the meantime , but not any more .
3 He continued on across the road and down by the side of the church , heading south towards Pimlico , trying to imagine how it had been on that September day all those years ago .
4 The water smelled dankly of mud and winter , which I had n't seemed to notice when I 'd been in it .
5 And he did n't have to explain where he 'd been to a wife who has different ideas of a swinging time .
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