Example sentences of "[to-vb] [pron] that he [verb] [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 Then one night he came home to inform them that he had lost his job .
2 A dispute which had soured Israeli-US relations for over a year ended on Feb. 20 when Baker telephoned Levi to inform him that he had signed a guarantee for a US$400,000,000 loan for the housing of immigrants , mainly Soviet Jews .
3 Mr Punch wishes to assure you that he has had many a good belly laugh from the magazine which bore his name for so many years .
4 He tried to persuade himself that he 'd locked it but he knew he had n't .
5 It was impossible to persuade himself that he had cohabited with this woman — that they had slept together — eaten together — planned their lives together .
6 Certainly the picture of him during this period is of a man haunted by guilt and remorse ; it seems that he felt he had no right to happiness , and the death of his wife had only served to convince him that he had done some irreparable harm to another human being , for which he must undergo a period of punishment .
7 This did n't seem the time to remind him that he had seen her wearing considerably less .
8 To our interjection that on the evidence from Poland and other European countries under Russian domination , applied Marxism had neither created the wealth nor allowed the freedom to enable the purpose , as it is perceived in the democratic west , of the State to be realised — that is , to provide the circumstances in which the individual may most fully live a life of his or her own and so fulfill his or her potential for awareness and creativity , he would reply that that perception was mistaken ; and go on to remind us that he had attached supreme importance to the State .
9 There is his Author 's Note to Victorious Troy to assure us that he has spoken with a boy whose experience had been similar to that of Dick Pomfret and that cases where dismasted sailing ships without officers had been brought to port by boys were not unknown , but we hardly need this assurance in order to believe that Dick , not unaided but with a responsibility beyond his years , did in fact bring the Hurrying Angel home in the end .
10 He would be able to tell them that he had disposed of the offending creature and was in no danger .
11 ‘ We have n't had a chance to tell them that he 's gone for trial yet , sir .
12 Yes I I was erm the additional information that was available to me at this time , er Sergeant the er having left me the previous night er had actually , had gone to the premises erm , gone to the flats erm and had er put himself in the area of the flat and was able to tell me that he had heard voices , two male voices coming from within the flat .
13 He tried to tell himself that he had dreamt it .
14 That evening , Bunker phoned Peters at The Inn on the Park to tell him that he had called an emergency meeting of plant conveners to help resolve the Merseyside problem .
15 Now fully recovered from a hairline crack of the shin , Robson spoke to the England manager , Bobby Robson , this morning to tell him that he had suffered no reaction from the Portsmouth game and was fit and well for the Polish trip .
16 The remark was enough to tell her that he had kissed her brow , and that he was firmly hauling himself back into the anti-female attitude which would give him security from involvement with a woman .
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