Example sentences of "[to-vb] [pron] that [pron] [is] the " in BNC.

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1 He 's left the priesthood now , but has a national profile which has lifted Labour 's campaign locally and made him instantly recognisable to many as he attempts to persuade them that he 's the new broom they need .
2 ‘ Joanna will have her work cut out to convince him that she 's the equal of any man when they set up in practice together . ’
3 " I 'm saying this , Chuck , to remind you that it 's the rich and powerful nations that call the tune around the world , " continued the senator through a burgeoning cloud of pale blue cigar smoke .
4 Just be prepared for Connemara enthusiasts to tell you that theirs is the only breed worth bothering about , Welsh Cob experts too insist that nothing compares with a good Section D and Highland/Fell/Dales etc exhibitors feel exactly the same !
5 In the opening story Miriam distributes milk to the tenement building and favours the boy with an extra helping : but he never gets to tell her that he is the lyric author of poems ‘ about love .
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