Example sentences of "[to-vb] [noun] [conj] [noun] [vb -s] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 As Repetto ( 1988a ) has discussed , the continued availability of subsidies for conversion of forest to pasture makes it more economic for the investor to clear further forest than to purchase fertiliser or control weeds in existing pasture .
2 The 1970 Act , for example , gave local authorities power to install telephones and television sets in the homes of the disabled , but the social services departments have been bewildered by how to decide on priorities between services and between individuals needing services .
3 Ciba-Geigy is considering its Huningue works , Alsace , France , as a possible location for the Biotechnikum multi-purpose biotechnology centre , and is to submit building and operating permits to French authorities .
4 Like the ambulance service who is having to go out and find income , having to do health and safety checks at factories just when you need an ambulance .
5 The deals announced allowed Rover to share research and development costs with Honda .
6 Elephant fights were staged whenever Dara wished ; his retainers were allowed to hold gold and silver maces in the durbar hall ; Dara himself was assigned a small throne immediately beside that of his father .
7 Dalglish , who has already spent more than £10 million , will have to pay £500,000 if Risom arrives at Ewood Park .
8 ‘ The city fathers are still determined to have battlements and arrow slits on the rail bridge , ’ Stephenson said .
9 We are unlikely ever to be able to quantify transaction and implementation costs with any certainty .
10 That is one of your accountabilities to develop others and training falls into that .
11 They intend to run the course as a pay as you play facility , however , they intend to offer a membership scheme so as to accommodate competitions and team matches within the club .
12 Middle-class people and intellectuals , as in Germany , were greatly attracted ; student organizations at the universities were quick to exclude Jews , forbidding their members to take cycling or walking trips with them .
13 His ability to upset people and drive wedges between himself and those who were supposed to be his allies was famous .
14 The deal involves 11 other major shipping lines on the North Atlantic route and will allow them to take space and swop slots on vessels belonging to fellow member lines .
15 It seems more likely that is a marketing ploy from Heavenly Records to earn airplay and novelty hits for the less successful artists on its roster .
16 Obviously the position is modified if vendor shareholders of Target are to take shares or loan notes in Newco .
17 The Commission had proposed to exempt imports and tax exports on the margin , which the art trade welcomed .
18 The aim is to cut manufacturing and operating costs by $10m a quarter and return to profit in the fourth quarter .
19 This has enabled authors to make claims and counter claims about the importance of different variables in the absence of any sustained efforts to discover which are directly and which are artefactually related to abuse .
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