Example sentences of "[to-vb] [noun] [prep] [adv] [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Chairman Roland Williams announced a competition for the best '40s-style stand to help broaden the interest of the event for a family day out and to attract people from outside the farming community .
2 Chairman Roland Williams announced a competition for the best 40 's style stand to help broaden the interest of the event for a family day out and to attract people from outside the farming community .
3 Patients will no longer have to travel to Darlington and York for treatment and the new facilities are expected to attract people from outside the area .
4 He called for the inquiry to accept submissions from outside the service , for the final report to be published in full and for more resources to be provided if the report said they were needed .
5 It is not for the circumstance to give rise to something or other , but for it to give rise to just the effect .
6 In Spanish tradition , I rested when I wanted to on the bolts , 700 feet above ground , and with a little planning it was possible to use jugs for almost every move .
7 It is these laws which have been used to humiliate tired and defenceless visitors , to deport workers without even a hearing , to lock innocent people in prison and brand them criminals , and to provide employers with a work-force made powerless through legislation .
8 Dr David Clark , Labour 's agriculture spokesman , said : ‘ It was entirely irresponsible of the ministry to allow farmers for nearly a week to feed contaminated material to animals .
9 I want to take part in both the opening and closing ceremonies .
10 Act 1919 , which encouraged adjacent districts to co-ordinate their plans , and the Town and Country Planning Act 1932 , which sought to encourage local action to regulate activities in both the town and county ( Sheail 1981 ) .
11 He continued to ask visitors for quite a while about their fainting habits .
12 Debate is now starting to take place in both the lesbian and gay and the straight press ; the advocates of censorship are not going unchallenged .
13 There is also an extensible breathing tube , to take air from above the surface , as an alternative to using the gill .
14 This serves to clarify issues for both the school librarian and the teacher and can be a valuable timesaving device in the long term .
15 Analysing the substantial drift of evacuees back to the danger areas , the Air Raid Precautions Co-ordinating Committee concluded that ‘ a detailed examination of available materials shows the basic cause to be the failure of the scheme to take account of either the viewpoint or the welfare of those concerned , be they evacuee or host ’ .
16 SNX , based on the Streams networking standard , allows developers to prioritise tasks across both the target and host machines .
17 Although the ASC was clearly under the control of the accounting profession , in 1982 its membership was broadened to include representatives from outside the profession .
18 Management moved immediately to recruit workers in almost every department of the factory .
19 With sterling continuing to gain ground against both the dollar and the German mark , vindictive traders again spent their time picking on stocks with high overseas earnings .
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