Example sentences of "[pos pn] [noun] rather [conj] [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Local villagers are prepared to sacrifice their lives rather than move to the inadequate , drought-prone resettlement areas ; many who moved to the resettlement areas in past years are now returning to their threatened villages .
2 The epic story of how the citizens of Phocaea abandoned their town rather than submit to the Persians is told by Herodotus 1.163 ff .
3 Just when she had decided to go back to her room rather than turn into a block of ice , a warning creak issued from the men 's corridor .
4 Much anxiety may be avoided for your elderly parents if you can organise yourself and other members of the family to help them regularly with the jobs they can not cope with — anticipating their needs rather than waiting to be asked .
5 Further evidence to suggest that events are important in depression according to their threatfulness rather than according to the amount of change they signify comes from a study by Tennant and Andrews ( 1978 ) .
6 Lady followed her example rather than suffer at the hands of her infuriated master .
7 And I know many older women who have found the kind of partnership that adds to their life rather than subtracts from it .
8 Dr Wells says sufferers should fight a mental battle against their headaches rather than submit to them .
9 There are undoubtedly risks in encouraging children to redirect their hostility rather than getting to the root of the problem ( if aggression is frequent and/or intense ) or training the child in ways of coping with life that do n't involve aggression .
10 Savile Row tailor R.J.W. Gieve suspects that it was an attitude born of the realization that the tailor would probably wait for his money rather than press for payment and jeopardize goodwill and the prospect of future orders .
11 The hon. Gentleman should perhaps concentrate on feeding his sheep rather than intervene in the debate at this stage .
12 As we shall see in the following chapter , mechanization has not been the only process responsible for this , but by enabling the farmer to de-bureaucratize his farm and place greater emphasis on developing the personal loyalty of his workforce rather than relying upon regulations and sanctions , it has been an important contributory factor .
13 However , it is the job of the draftsman to produce certainty for his client rather than to rely on general legal principles .
14 I also asked to see Nicola 's father to make sure he was supporting his partner rather than acting against her .
15 Lean with your weight rather than pulling with your arms .
16 It is probably safer in an upside-down jump to stay with your equipment rather than abandoning in mid-air since there is a risk of it landing on top of you .
17 Let him start talking up our achievements rather than pointing to an agenda which his party has already signed up to which would destroy millions of jobs through statutory works councils , statutory minimum wage and statutory compulsory working week .
18 This means that we are seen to be thinking with our partner rather than thinking against them .
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