Example sentences of "[pos pn] [noun] with [adj] [noun pl] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 I did not commence my research with these questions firmly in mind .
2 I got pregnant because you spent all my life filling my head with romantic ideas rather than giving me any practical advice .
3 I mean if I look back over my career with American corporates where I 've bought advertising it actually runs into millions of pounds .
4 Although the United States is the single largest exporter to OPEC ( supplying about 15 per cent of its foreign purchases ) , its deficit with those countries largely accounted for its overall trade deficit in the second half of the seventies .
5 Let's say it starts of with just to make it a bit easier for you so it does n't come like this let's say it starts with fifteen engines on , and what 's its weight with fifteen engines on ?
6 It showed that central government departments , in making and implementing policies , acted largely in isolation from each other and conducted their relationships with local authorities accordingly .
7 Employees have often found their work with new machines less physically demanding and have often regarded it as more skilled .
8 If you understand how such models work using proportions , you should find their use with other measures reasonably straightforward .
9 To this extent , Soviet foreign traders , who came late to the Latin American markets , may be disadvantaged in their competition with capitalist suppliers either because their own authorities prevent them from participating in the bidding for a project or because they can not mobilise the Soviet bureaucracy in time to meet deadlines .
10 The House controlled a large part of its own timetable , it had a corporate spirit and it could force information out of the government , the best example being the stream of diplomatic Blue Books in which the Foreign Office had to reveal the course of its negotiations with foreign powers almost as soon as the events had occurred .
11 I tried a pink old lady with the future of the universe mapped on her face with linear symbols just waiting to be decoded by anyone who had the wisdom and the patience to want to do so .
12 For a time she had even innocently believed that Luke 's father 's recent death had been responsible for the anger she had sensed in him , until she gradually grew aware that it was something personal , directed at her , his dealings with most of the station 's personnel characterised by charm , his impatience with any inadequacies purely professional .
13 This was the solution which Bernard Shaw , who objected to having to spell his surname with four letters instead of two , favoured .
14 It was also during this period that primitive man undoubtedly arrived at the time when he was able to communicate with his fellows with developing abilities more effective than those available to the rest of living creatures .
15 If he is afraid of compromising himself in the eyes of Messrs Goupil and Co by keeping in touch with me , is his position with those gentlemen so shaky and unstable that he is obliged to be so careful ? ’
16 According to Mr Nash the comparative rarity of paintings by Matisse at auction compared to other classic modern artists is dictated by the distribution of his pictures throughout his lifetime with large numbers now in museums .
17 Run along now and do n't ask questions — and do n't worry your father with silly questions either . "
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