Example sentences of "[pos pn] [noun] that [pers pn] [vb past] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 He feasted for months , for years , on a small pair of my slippers that I gave him ; I expect he has burnt them by now .
2 She did n't , but something about the way she moved confirmed my suspicion that she saw herself as damaged goods .
3 But although I wrote in my diary that I wished I were dead , I never seriously considered death — suicide — as a solution to my problems .
4 ‘ It was on my instruction that he telephoned you , ’ Ven cut her off .
5 You may gather from my behaviour that I meant you , not Jones .
6 I see from my files that you asked us to reserve a copy of the OALDCE 3/e computer tape for your the University of Edinburgh .
7 I happened to have with me the journal of Dorothy Wordsworth on my trip to the Dales as I had forgotten to return it to the public library , and you have my word that I dropped it the instant I was made aware that they were harbouring a drug addict .
8 I feel now that I 've got an epitaph at the end of my life that I did something , I was n't a taker …
9 So compulsively did he watch me empty my glass that he drained his own in compulsive sympathy .
10 Nick was so thrilled with my caddying that he told everyone on television in an interview that ‘ Andy Prodger has been great .
11 It was during my visit that I made my acquaintance with Woolworths and thought it a marvellous store with goods that were priced at either 3d or 6d ; the firm did not arrive in Salisbury until 1927 .
12 He must have seen from my face that I knew what he was talking about .
13 Early in my first tour I argued with my colleagues that I doubted it would be possible to ditch a Wimpy or a Whitley on water , particularly if there was a heavy swell .
14 They complained so much that not enough time had been allowed them for their discussions that we had them back a second week .
15 He smiled and there was no triumph , only genuine pleasure that she had accepted his offer , and Ruth knew in her heart that she had nothing to fear from this man .
16 I thought it was n't fair that I should begin to show when I was barely into my fourth month , and I got angry with my clothes , as if it were their fault that I pulled them out of shape .
17 Ricky was so furious with Perdita for deliberately sabotaging her scholarship that he gave her the sack .
18 The staff talked only banalities at her , until she could have screamed with irritation , and try as she might to ignore it , there was no doubt in her mind that they disliked her , these crisp women in their crisp uniforms .
19 ‘ Do n't you see — ca n't you remember how it was ? ’ he asked , when everything was so indelibly imprinted on her mind that she knew she would never forget a moment of it .
20 Ruth did not have to finish what she had begun to say ; she saw from the look in their eyes that they understood her .
21 She looked so pornographic in her gimmicks that I wanted her to take them off again , or better , much better , push bits of them aside .
22 This was the first time she had seen Naylor since her discovery that she loved him .
23 Vortigern was so taken by her charms that he took her for his wife .
24 Afterwards she felt that Sarah had deliberately steered the conversation away from Terry , and recalling her remark that they knew him better than she did , Anne felt uneasy without quite knowing why .
25 It was when Kattina 's fierce tongue finally reached the sensitive folds of her slit that she found herself panting .
26 Before she had time to think , she 'd raised her own glass in response and it was only after she 'd sipped her drink that she realised what she 'd done .
27 But it is not their wish that I put myself into their shoes , rather than living free and wishing that for them also .
28 But it rejected her claim that he told her to come to work in suspenders .
29 Whereupon , the 29 year-old Mrs. Gerring launched into her theory that he had his club open at the address at the same time as his body was facing well left of the target .
30 Mrs Barrie-Brown left Fresden to the Roman Research Trust , specifying in the codicil to her will that she wanted it to be turned into an educational centre .
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