Example sentences of "[pos pn] [noun] is [prep] [det] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 But my suffrage is of little value , because this and Fort Augustus are the only garrisons that I ever saw . ’
2 A company in my constituency is in that position .
3 In December 1757 he tried to excuse himself ‘ as my abode is at such distance from the place where the Royal Society hold their weekly meetings as to render it not only inconvenient , but unsafe for me to attend them in the winter season. , A month later Ellis countered with , ‘ I scarce think it possible that Mr. Miller should have no one friend in the Society to send him word and , indeed , I had told Rivington to tell Miller I would be glad to discuss the matter at Fulham , and Miller ignored it . ’
4 After all , my reputation is in all likelihood blasted in any event .
5 — I would know then , once back in those days before everything changed , that my power is of little weight and not worth using .
6 She dismisses any idea that her accounting is in any sense ‘ creative ’ : ‘ I 'm not avoiding taxes but planning .
7 Ultimately the universe in its totality is in some sense perfect , as also are its elements understood as required by the overall nature of that totality , but from the point of view of us who struggle within it things are called good or bad ( or by some such words ) according as to whether they promote our particular struggle to actualise our own nature .
8 Many whales also spend some considerable time swimming on the surface , where good sight is required but where their sonar is of little use .
9 They want to assert that homosexual relationships are just as valid as heterosexual ones and that it is perfectly ‘ natural ’ for some people to be homosexual if their inclination is in that direction and that those who profess distaste for homosexuality are denying them human rights .
10 Their image is to some degree distorted , and they will all too easily switch their appetite off , rather than let normal hunger and a normal appetite for food develop .
11 An alternative view ( 13 ) is that because these areas contribute only 7% of the gross agricultural output their contribution is of little importance and is sustained at an unacceptable cost to the nation .
12 The lessee in a lease — the defendant so covenanted in this case — covenants in effect that he or his assignee will perform the covenants and observe the conditions contained in it ; and when , as in the present instance , the defendant sets up no performance by himself of the covenants sued on , his defence must be either that his assignee has performed them or that his assignee is in some way as between himself and the lessor absolved from performance .
13 ‘ All our money is in that bank .
14 What persuades politicians that having Margaret Drabble or Kenny Everett come down on your side is in any way advantageous ?
15 And you can imagine the conrod in your car is about this size .
16 ‘ And your spaceship is in that building .
17 The great variety of creatures in the Burgess Shales is a reminder of how incomplete our knowledge is of all fossil faunas .
18 But do n't be fooled into thinking that a three-inch elephant in a fuchsia tutu prancing across the blade of your tie is in any way the same thing .
19 ‘ Well , I could , for instance , discover what shape your chin is under that beard . ’
20 If your report is to another audience , adjust your language to suit them .
21 Sporting teams , you all look a sporting bunch to me specially that chubby chap there in the middle er I 've got contacts with not only all the local football , rugby , cricket clubs etcetera , but also the teams that sort of how do I put this represent people in er the city on , on a , a good sporting level , I E Mosely Rugby Club , Aston Villa Football Club , so whatever your standard is in any sport come and see me and I shall sort out exactly what you want .
22 You can see now how important your cooperation is on this adoption question ?
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