Example sentences of "[pos pn] [noun] have [vb pp] in [art] " in BNC.

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1 Either the tumour in my lung had grown in the last three and a half weeks , in which case it must be even more in evidence , or it had stood still , in which case today 's X-rays must be much the same as the previous ones , or it had diminished .
2 He told me that my grandfather had fought in the Mutiny , and that Mrs Inglis , daughter of my great-grandfather Chelmsford , had been in Lucknow through the siege , where her husband commanded the troops .
3 My brother had enlisted in the Grenadier Guards , and was at Camberley , but my mother and sister were still in Merstham ; and it seemed to me that , in the event of a German landing , for which Churchill had alerted the public , a place as safe as any would be my Wiltshire village of Seend , where there was a delightful little Guest House , kept by a Mrs Earle .
4 Naturally , my father would have felt this loss keenly ; but to make matters worse the usual comfort a father has in these situations — that is , the notion that his son gave his life gloriously for king and country — was sullied by the fact that my brother had perished in a particularly infamous manoeuvre .
5 ‘ Then we 'll have Jennifer and Christopher , ’ my mother had said in a barely controlled fury .
6 I thought she meant her sons had died in the war and I made sympathetic noises .
7 A significant part of the other third of its income has come in the past from moneys from the Department of Trade and Industry .
8 Its turnover has tripled in the past decade ; analysts reckon it now sells some £450-worth ( $880 ) of goods per square foot each year , against an average of £216 for all department stores .
9 The company denied Greenpeace 's claim that the chemicals were carcinogenic ( cancer-causing ) and also that their misuse had resulted in the contamination of food supplies in importing countries .
10 All the problems that had beset them from that first moment their eyes had met in the courtyard on the day of her arrival had vanished , it seemed , giving way to the greater power of one fact — now they were lovers .
11 I felt a touch of the sinister that rules so many of the islands ; there was no reason to shiver in that warm spot , but I did , and experienced a slight sense of embarrassment , as though I had been intruding , thinking perhaps not of Tiare but of the great love all those years ago which had produced her : forty years ago when the water was cascading over the same cliff in just the same way as it had today , Princess Tiare 's mother and her lover had bathed in the same secret pool and later , perhaps , made love in the cave behind .
12 Her mouth had contracted in a manner Muriel had not seen for years .
13 The first round of the presidential elections was notable for the fact that both main candidates attracted substantially more votes than their parties had received in the parliamentary elections , even though in the case of Constantinescu , the rector of Bucharest University , he had only been named as a compromise choice at the July 27 DCR Congress ( the NLP having left the alliance after its unsuccessful bid to persuade ex-King Mihai ( Michael ) to stand as a presidential candidate ) .
14 I know that there are many women who have a very rough time at home , but you 're asking me if I think men have changed , and I think in that way , domestically , I think they have , but I do n't think their attitude has changed in the workplace .
15 In Derbyshire , the farmers who replied that their expectations had changed in the past five years were those whose sons had returned to the farm in that time .
16 Mrs Godwin and her husband had lived in the pictureque village of Spratton for the past four years .
17 Its population has doubled in the past ten years and will double again in the next ten ; its growth is due as much to the constant influx of newcomers from the Nile villages as to Egypt 's birth-rate .
18 The monarchy fared worst — 85 per cent thought its standing had decreased in the past ten years ; 76 per cent thought the Government 's standing had decreased , followed by the law ( 65 per cent ) , the church ( 59 per cent ) , journalists ( 59 per cent ) , the police ( 57 per cent ) , the family ( 55 per cent ) , teachers ( 50 per cent ) and social workers ( 49 per cent ) .
19 Many shops were boarded up , their owners having perished in the war or at the hands of the Komitehs , or been bankrupted by the collapsed economy .
20 The Whigs had contemptuously dismissed the invaders as ‘ bare-arsed banditti ’ , an ill judged description , for many of their officers had served in the English army and the force had been organised in an orthodox fashion , into divisions and regiments , often based on individual clans .
21 The case studies presented in Chapters 5 and 6 illustrate some of the forms which study skills have taken and the place which their development has occupied in the evolving project .
22 The one then took Denmark and the other England , as their father had died in the meantime .
23 Her father had died in a car accident , she told him .
24 In the middle of May the Eliots went to Leeds to stay with Valerie Eliot 's mother — her father had died in the year of her marriage .
25 Downstairs , in the little stationery shop at the back which her father had started in a small way as a trial , and which had become so successful that sometimes he joked it financed everything else , was a safe full of cash .
26 It was so different from the rooms Xanthe and her father had taken in a former hôtel particulier of a family of the ancien régime , round a courtyard off the Rue St Honoré , with ormolu chests of drawers , lace-trimmed bolsters and a chiming clock on the writing desk in the small , light sitting room where stood striped chintz chairs with gilded lyre backs and a matching silk-covered settee .
27 By midnight , its masters had thrown in the towel , and put out the computer 's original forecast .
28 Their decisions have lasted in the shape of the Lewes Town Book which has survived from its inception in 1542 , unlike the older records which have vanished .
29 Nor that by marrying John Carrow her daughter had behaved in a wicked , even if understandable , way for which they were all now paying the price .
30 It is clear from the last sentence in the quotation that Mrs Whitehouse does not view her position in the way some of her critics have done in the past , as reactionary or illiberal .
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