Example sentences of "[pos pn] [noun] [coord] it [was/were] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Angels posed obligingly in front of my easel and it was nothing for Christ to stand on the river in front of this Mill .
2 When she first began to have coaching in horsemanship , she was obsessed with her progress and it was her main topic of conversation whenever Stephen joined them for dinner .
3 This was her idea and it was her time .
4 ‘ Though you might also think about saying sorry to Hamish and Antonia , too , as you were their guest and it was their party you brought grinding to an embarrassing halt .
5 Whatever his reasons for staying , Reg certainly knew his football and it was he who turned a team of no-hopers into one capable of sustaining a bottom six position for the rest of the decade .
6 Lewis was the presiding genius ; the meeting took place in his rooms and it was he who chose the moment to ask if anyone present had any work in progress which they wanted to read aloud .
7 " And everywhere he is in chains ! " cried the Collector urgently in his delirium , causing both young ladies to turn anxiously towards his bed but it was nothing , merely a passing fancy in his overheated brain .
8 Molyneux , like Richmond , won his freedom as a result of his boxing and it was he , more than any other early black sportsman , who ‘ showed how prize fighting could be the means by which a man of his colour might gain prominence and a certain undeniable importance akin to a theatrical star ’ ( Farr , 1964 , p.3 ) .
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