Example sentences of "[pos pn] [noun] [prep] [art] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 You will now release me : the resulting implication being that I bought my freedom at the expense of his .
2 And , perhaps , with this act of treachery I can finally buy my freedom from the burden of buried horror that bound me to Andy twenty years ago , so that — dispossessed of that trespass — I 'm left free to betray him again , now .
3 I keep my copies of the NI for future reference j )
4 My free associations about wealth changed dramatically : ‘ Prosperity flows through my heart as a channel of pure light — the Light of the universe , which offers to me its vast abundance .
5 Belting tales of outlaw attitude like the born-to-be-wild rocker ‘ Ride Into YOur Town ’ are juxtaposed to beautiful ballads , like the piano-accompanied ‘ How Does It Feel ’ ( ‘ … to ruthlessly steal my heart like a thief in the night ’ ) — .
6 Belting tales of outlaw attitude like the born-to-be-wild rocker ‘ Ride Into YOur Town ’ are juxtaposed to beautiful ballads , like the piano-accompanied ‘ How Does It Feel ’ ( ‘ … to ruthlessly steal my heart like a thief in the night ’ ) — .
7 I told my story with the help of Joy and Alan , who arrived for coffee and contributed greatly with their humanity , humour and charm .
8 yes , just for instance , my brother pulling my hair in the back of the car and annoying me .
9 My advantage over the rest of the managers is that I can manipulate my time more .
10 The experience of coming from the north-east of England is an important influence on my views on the issue with which we are dealing this morning .
11 And stop worrying , I wo n't reveal my views on the drug to the twins .
12 I was also asked my views on the chairmanship of the party .
13 In a sane world , I thought , we would have discussed the state of my feelings , debated whether I loved Syl sufficiently to commit the rest of my life to him , questioned my views on the institution of marriage , examined my mother 's motives in striving to introduce me into this state , have said something of some interest .
14 It may be an awareness of my married status ( of which my colleagues often jokingly remind me ) , or a way of squaring all my activities with the ethos of the KZ , or a simple boredom with the female face , but now my thrusts of love — so sudden , so hurried , so helpless , so hopeless — are exclusively directed at the source of universal sustenance and fruition .
15 Sir , — I would like to make known my support for the devolution of Scotland .
16 My quizzing about the intellectual world which I was about to enter with some trepidation left him with a wry smile , which puzzled me for some time after , as my naïvety about the world of further education lasted well into my early days in college .
17 I would have trusted my male with a female by themselves in a 24″ : tank , something I would never dare with the rock-dwellers !
18 It 's not my part of the world at all ,
19 ‘ I 'd be grateful if you could spare time for a fitting , and I did think it would be a good idea if I could hold a rehearsal of everyone concerned in my part of the show before the official one .
20 As long as I refuse to recognize my part in the fallenness of the world around me , I will never be a blessing to others .
21 The hon. Members for Birkenhead and for Halifax ( Mrs. Mahon ) and my hon. Friend the Member for Macclesfield referred to my part in the events of 1990 .
22 I failed to get my case for a share of his property and savings heard because I was told the courts do n't recognise a common-law wife .
23 I found my way by memory up the stairs and pulled my case from the top of ‘ our ’ wardrobe .
24 I had packed my case in a state of some excitement , taking only my best clothes with me .
25 It gave me an opportunity to study the great comics like Tommy Cooper and Dave Allen , and to hone my skills as a singer with the band .
26 I think the image might have been a ghost-negative of doctor number one — his black tracksuit and powerpack plimsolls , and the satisfied wince he gave as he pointed at my chest with a shake of his head .
27 I would be on my bike for the rest of my life , stuck on the stopping train to nowhere .
28 It seemed only a matter of days before I was standing astride my bike at the gates of Sonning Common , together with my good friend Richard Smith ( who I think was twice as mad as me as he did n't have to do it ! )
29 I was reminded of those days in the school chapel and of that battle to hold my integrity against a most well-meaning person , by my experience with the chaplain at the hospital eighteen months ago .
30 Education , I believe as a result of my experience with the people of Slumptown , is a radical solution .
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