Example sentences of "[pos pn] [noun] [was/were] [adv] [verb] when " in BNC.

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1 My fear was further sharpened when Tooth , the only practising Muslim aboard , stiffly emerged from below wearing his black peci hat , and proceeded to prostrate himself towards Mecca at hours not prescribed by Islamic doctrine .
2 It would be an exaggeration to say I suffered from morning sickness , but my suspicions were certainly aroused when I began to feel a little queasy in the early part of the day .
3 My memory was vaguely stirred when I saw the authors ' name .
4 My nerves were really jangling when we got to the 17th , the Road Hole .
5 Candy Morris has amazed doctors at the Radcliffe Infirmary in Oxford.Just two weeks ago her foot was almost severed when she fell into this shredding machine at her own paper baling business .
6 Her mind was still seething when she reached Maggie 's ; it took her two attempts to key the code into the computer-lock right-handed .
7 Her eyes were almost closing when she finally drew up outside the villa .
8 On the eve of the wedding , which Diana spent at Clarence House , her mood was much improved when Charles sent her a signet ring engraved with the Prince of Wales feathers and an affectionate card which said : ‘ I 'm so proud of you and when you come up I 'll be there at the altar for you tomorrow .
9 Their competence was further questioned when it was resolved that , ‘ Messrs. Brunel and Burn be requested to examine further the plans proposed by Messrs. Angell and Pownall to be omitted , and to report to the Judges at their next meeting ’ .
10 Their relationship was further strained when Wolfgang threw security to the winds to go to Vienna , and it suffered irreparable damage when a new and more powerful force — in the form of a prospective bride — entered Wolfgang 's life .
11 Their relationship was further impaired when in 1954 Pound criticized Eliot 's Christianity as " lousy " ; Eliot wrote a caustic letter back .
12 Last December her suspension was briefly lifted when she won her first judicial review of her case in the High Court .
13 Its authority was quickly established when it called off the demonstration called by the meeting of radicals on 8 October .
14 For Wasps , there was no chance of making a recovery — even though their duck was eventually broken when Rick Brevant passed to Robert Forbes with 13 minutes remaining — Pandas running on to complete a comfortable victory with three goals in 90 seconds .
15 But his horizons were dramatically broadened when he joined British Steel and was asked by the late Lord Melchett , who was then chairman , to reorganise the fourteen widely dispersed companies that had been put into the same melting pot under the nationalisation programme .
16 In spite of the headset that he wore for the flight , his ears were still ringing when he climbed down from the helicopter .
17 His laugh was sharply curtailed when Ace lunged forward , snatched his rifle from hands that were too surprised to grip it tightly enough , and smashed him in the groin with the butt .
18 And his fears were soon realised when Poland took advantage of a five-on-three power-play after Conway and Michael O'Connor were penalised for infringements , leaving Poland to score after just 13 minutes .
19 The power of that king , Philip-Augustus , over his vassal was further increased when , in 1203 and 1204 , he conquered Anjou and Normandy which John , in spite of an attempt to do so in 1214 , never recovered .
20 His position was further undermined when , on Aug. 3 , it was revealed that his private secretary had been an intermediatory in a separate scandal involving fraudulent loans of 260,000 million yen by the Fuji Bank .
21 He knocked softly on her door and his face was still drawn when she opened it .
22 His preparations were further boosted when Barry Breen and Gary Mason came through week-end training sessions without mishap having been previously sidelined through injuries .
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