Example sentences of "[pos pn] [noun] [to-vb] [adv] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 and erm , it is therefore in those circumstances foolhardy in my opinion to carry on with the British Assessment Programme at the present rate when the effects on our roads are likely to be so drastic
2 I was anticipating severe disapproval from that quarter , because my father was bemused , to say the least , by my refusal to settle down into a job with a future , as he put it .
3 It was my job to check up on the flock every morning and on Sundays Uncle Joe would come to the farm .
4 ‘ When I see these unreliable , irresponsible comments , it strengthens my resolve to go forward with the case , ’ said Venables .
5 I let my mouth fall open and set my glass down heavily on the table , allowing my head to fall back against the chair and my eyes to close , in the imitation of unconsciousness .
6 And I know perfectly well that there 's no way that er I could get my wife to move out of the town , she loves it .
7 the sums in the premiums trust fund , it 's a very simple answer my Lord to notify now in the same way the commission suggested that they should notify some ten years ago
8 ‘ I wonder how long it took for my message to get through to the patrol cars on the road , ’ Patrick said .
9 ‘ I would be the first person to tell my players to get on with the game because when you do n't do that , you are only upsetting your rhythm .
10 ‘ It 's taking me to the pin of my collar to keep up in the matter of sheer technical knowledge .
11 ‘ But I still wish you had accepted my invitation to stay here for the wedding , instead of at a hotel . ’
12 Stephen thought it a curious place to leave one 's car , blocking , or partly blocking , the northbound roadway , while taking it a farther ten yards on would have enabled its driver to pull in onto the bridlepath that traversed the Vale as far as the Reeve 's way .
13 Indeed , I wondered whether it was possible for someone who had not shared in their experience to pass physically through the white gateposts into the avenue , and attain the domain .
14 It was his unexpected kindness that caused her jaw to clench suddenly in an attempt to stave off the hot tears scalding her eyes .
15 However professional and manly and disciplined the stance taken on their subject matter , English academics continued to be worried by their inability to account rationally for the intrinsic value , style , spirit , and mood of the literary work .
16 Thus began the pattern of alternating concession and repression which marked the Indian path to independence , the British constantly frustrated by their inability to rise permanently above the use of force , the nationalists , with the notable exception of Gandhi , seeing only the adroit employment of the carrot and the stick .
17 She begs her sister to go up to the top of the tower of the castle and look out for them , and keeps calling out to her , ‘ Anne , sister Anne , dost thou see nothing coming ? ’
18 Its attempts to deal theoretically with the intricacies of psychological issues have been especially imaginative .
19 A League double over Pool would be a great boost in their fight to get away from the foot of the table .
20 The passion of his kisses on her throat were leaving her weak and she had to will her fingers to hold on to the bodice .
21 She was glad at last to have a use for information from Robert : it justified her relationship with him and her decision to press ahead with the case .
22 But Croat and Slovene leaders have reiterated their willingness to sit down with the Serbs and others to work out how Yugoslavia could be turned into a body not unlike the European Community .
23 In 1953 , some 14 per cent still voiced their willingness to vote again for a man such as Hitler .
24 In 1968 , six per cent of the West German population ( compared with four per cent in 1965 and 1967 ) reported their willingness to vote again for a man such as Hitler .
25 It now made open confession of its inability to cope alone with the crisis initiated by Perry 's arrival .
26 It was during the inter-regnum of 1907 to 1912 , when Lugard was occupied as governor of Hong Kong before returning in triumph to be Governor-General of a united Nigeria , that the Northern Residents seized their opportunity to move collectively into a position of virtually unassailable independence from the central government .
27 They were afraid of their shite to come out of the towns .
28 In fact the remaining internal traffic certainly impinges on children 's road safety and reduces their freedom to get around outside the immediate vicinity of the house .
29 Hundreds of motorists abandoned their cars to dash across to a local radio station after a DJ offered scores of free tickets to the band 's concert .
30 Some financial planners have worked out another loophole , telling their clients to hang on to the part of their income paid in company shares , because taxes on capital gains are unlikely to rise under President Clinton and may even fall .
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