Example sentences of "[pos pn] [noun] [be] [adv] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 I could still do my job , but my heart was n't in the day-to-day scramble for the latest pictures .
2 Nevertheless , it does provide a simple demonstration of a problem that dogs all our stratigraphical thinking , and as the palaeontologist in question was my student ( and I visited the area with him ) my inclinations are wholly for the second interpretation in this case .
3 I waited by the eighteenth green with thousands of spectators to see the denouement , and my money was mentally on the dashing Swede .
4 I think my mum is still in a state of shock after I told her about my Irish selection . ’
5 Yet although my addresses were chiefly in the nature of pep-talks , I usually contrived to work in what today would be called ‘ culture ’ , and sometimes the pub scene in The Waste Land or parts of Portrait of a Lady would go down with a wow .
6 It was obvious that my aircraft was not in a condition for any further fighting and I flew a zig-zag course back to the 'drome keeping a very watchful eye on the sky around me .
7 I 'm under more strain than I was — I get upset more quickly , my mind 's often in a turmoil . ’
8 As I walked between the walls my mind was already in the byre , just visible at the far end of the yard .
9 He says , ‘ My mind was much to the place as soon as it was described to me , because it was a full congregation … an ignorant , rude and revelling people for the greater part , who had need of preaching , and yet had among them a small company of converts , who were humble , godly and of good conversations , and not much hated by the rest , and therefore fitter to assist their teacher ; but above all , because they hardly ever had any lively , serious preaching among them .
10 When I joined the battle against fluoridation in 1962 , my opposition was wholly on the grounds that it was a treatment of people 's bodies without their consent , or the consent of parents in the case of children — a form of ‘ compulsory mass medication ’ .
11 And , since you 're so interested , the reason I wear my wedding-ring is strictly for the sake of appearances .
12 My car 's just round the corner . ’
13 I 'd pay for it myself but my card 's up to the limit . ’
14 My college was right opposite the cloisters .
15 My legs were all over the show and I 've got to stand tall tomorrow . ’
16 My feet are firmly on the ground .
17 I never dreamed anyone would take offence because my feet are always under the court benches . ’
18 On the day when I was wilting with heat my feet were not in the least sweaty , but I would have liked more support — I thought it barely adequate except for lowland walking .
19 She lives moving from house to house to keep the security forces off her tracks , " Now my home is here with the Committee " , she explained .
20 Because I am a Christian , I have found the break less frightening , since I believe that my parents are now in the presence of the same God who is with me .
21 My question was simply at the moment Professor Lock er am I clear , are you clear about that ?
22 In such circumstances it can not in my opinion be enough for the applicant simply to rely , without more , upon lack of evidence of his presence within the territory of the requesting state at the time of the commission of the relevant offence .
23 ‘ But my place is not in the desert .
24 My husband is now off the booze and he is a different person , but I would never marry again and allow anyone that power over me .
25 But I could see that the moon above my head was really on the wane .
26 They could only see Blefuscu 's warships coming closer , as I was swimming and my head was occasionally under the water .
27 ‘ All my paintings are ultimately about the human condition , figures doing something or nothing .
28 Yeah I mean my stuff 's always on the last but
29 I said , ‘ My flat 's just over the square there . ’
30 Within minutes my offer was all over the Docherty suite , and I became the source of hysterical laughter , ridicule and abuse .
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