Example sentences of "[pos pn] [noun] [be] [verb] with [art] " in BNC.

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1 And then he was pushed roughly on , and suddenly , inexplicably my mind was filled with a vivid picture of Christ looking down at me as I stood at the foot of the cross .
2 Because I wear glasses , there is a slight air gap and soon my eyes are watering with the cold .
3 My eyes are brimmed with the horizon 's feast .
4 The 30HP Watermota diesel on my boat was fitted with a pickoff from one phase of the Lucas car alternator using nine rectifiers .
5 Often when people have enquired about my subject area , my reply is greeted with a polite , " Oh ! " followed by a change of conversation .
6 My bones are burning with the thought of that warm forest .
7 My protests are met with a simple choice .
8 My imagination was furnished with the passionate martyrdom of the Protestant north .
9 The Englishman said all my telephones were tapped with a sophisticated device , that I was being watched .
10 Since my wife was diagnosed with the illness , I have been researching alternative cures during which time I have come into contact with the ‘ Association stop au cancer ’ based at 29 Bd Gambetta , 73000 Chambery Cedex , France .
11 However , my enquiry was met with the response that I should not have entered the competition if I was not prepared to travel etc .
12 For avid fans of the movies my advice is to stick with The Empire Strikes Back .
13 My space was shared with a girl going to Juliaca , holding a large cardboard box on her lap , and a young family of campesinos .
14 And my cousin 's sitting with a spider mhm nice little spider nasty !
15 My throat was rasped with the force of the jet .
16 Direct evidence that an associatively activated representation ( such as X ) can acquire associative strength when its CS is associated with a US has been produced by Holland ( 1981 ) .
17 … they differed in the colour of their skin from all the people of our habitable world , for the whole surface of their skin was tinged With a green colour .
18 Her fingers were tingling with the warm smoothness , and she stood there looking puzzled or undecided , the packet of notes loose in her hand .
19 An embroidered cloth concealing her hair was bound with a complex gold fillet , and her robe was of Caspian silk woven in Florence .
20 In an instant the coldness of her fury evaporated and her heart was flooded with a tide of raw emotions — excitement , confusion and a desperate yearning that tore at her insides and left her breathless , as though she had been knocked to the ground and run over by a steam train .
21 Their policies were riddled with the logical absurdities on pricing of which Gaitskell had earlier been so critical .
22 The lost ‘ geometries of the psyche ’ that govern their existence are intertwined with the materialized properties of discourse .
23 Clara had never seen such securely straight hair on so old a woman ; even the more fashion-conscious of the middle aged lecturers at her college were adorned with the permanent waves of their generation .
24 Robyn saw for the first time that Melissa was a little drunk ; her eyes had that bright , fixed look , and her words were pronounced with the extra care of someone who had consumed rather too much alcohol .
25 The sounds built , the creaks got louder , her mind was absorbed with the two of them together .
26 Her eyes were blurred with a mixture of confusion and desire .
27 Thousands of their supporters were charged with the same offence .
28 Her legs were covered with a white shirt ; beneath it , her feet stuck out , pink , puffy , in beige sandals .
29 Her pleasure was divided with an odd memory , insistent behind her yielding : a little broody hen , persuading stones to be eggs under her spread feathers ; after that , a cold nest .
30 They were heavily made up , with painted cheeks and scarlet lipstick ; each of their noses was pierced with a single diamond stud .
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