Example sentences of "[pos pn] [noun] [conj] [pron] are [verb] " in BNC.

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1 For all his working of the flesh and his golden suntan and his deployment of pop philosophies and credos , Letterman is too contrived an individual to be successful with the sort of Frenchwoman — my gaze descends from the mountain to my backyard where they are pegging out a goatskin — whom he desires to play the part of Claudia .
2 I need to focus on my work here , and my sister and I are beginning to drive each other mad . ’
3 He 's convinced that my lover and I are waiting eagerly for that event , so he 's written a will that leaves me destitute .
4 My girlfriend and I are trying to compile a new guidebook for the Clwyd area and would appreciate details of any new route information your readers might have .
5 However , while I believe Moltmann 's case is unanswerable , it makes no difference to my contention that we are given certain responsibilities to ensure that we do something positive .
6 Unfortunately , it 's quite clear from the letters which hit my desk that we are throwing away many of these opportunities —
7 My officers and I are determined to track down the offender before he does any more harm , ’ said Mr Hodson .
8 To crown it all , I now read in my newspaper that we are living in ‘ the post-feminist era ’ which I take to mean either that the battle is won — a view informed by the same kind of stupidity which once encouraged Macmillan to proclaim ‘ we 're all middle-class now ’ — or that feminism is a spent force and has slipped back into obscurity for another sixty years of oblivion .
9 I hate my wife but we are bound by a bond which these two will defend . ’
10 My wife and I are leaving Venice next week .
11 My wife and I are looking forward to contact from your readers and eventually meeting some of our diving cousins from the ‘ Motherland ’ .
12 so she him put him straight through and then goes , Mr Smith , erm , my name 's Mike , er , you do n't know me , but I 'm a graphic designer and er , my wife and I are trying to emigrate to Canada , and erm , I 'd like you to send me some business and give me two free tickets for it .
13 This should not suggest that my wife and I are cut from the American kind of Anglophilic chintz that may of you like to poke fun at .
14 My wife and I are staying at the Danieli , but she 's not been feeling well and urged me to take up the offer of an observer 's seat here . ’
15 Suppose my wife and I are lost , in cloud , on a mountain .
16 My wife and I are planning an extended trip to North Africa in our 1986 Range Rover Turbo D which has 50,000 miles on the clock .
17 My wife and I are rehearsing .
18 Still clasped together , my attacker and I are frogmarched behind the scenes , into one of the little meeting-rooms .
19 My brother and I are having a few people in for a drink before lunch on Sunday .
20 Psychologists , analysts and therapists often hold strong fundamental allegiances to one set of theories or another , but then temper their views as they are influenced by other approaches .
21 Er right Mary Whitehouse to come we 'll be talking about sex and the Buddha of Suburbia and er whatever else sort of takes her fancy and we are going to liven up the traffic I think at er round about one twenty five and find out what 's happening there .
22 Others are as big as dragons , great bloated monsters which can hardly move from their lairs and which are revered by the Forest Goblins as gods of the forest .
23 ‘ It is great for players and their clubs when they are picked for their country .
24 The sender now faces the receivers so that he can see their reactions and they are allowed to ask questions to which he will reply .
25 The CP may be in paralysis , but we need its support if we are to salvage the potential for a broad-based , not half-baked , campaign that survives until this wretched tax is repealed .
26 The sampling theorem indicates that we must sample these phenomena at a frequency of no less than half their wavelength if we are to avoid bias in measurement .
27 As children with special educational needs grow in reading competence , increasing demands are made on their skills because they are expected to learn through reading .
28 Friends of the Earth want legislation introduced which will make manufacturers put energy efficiency labels on their products and they are asking ministers to suggest such labels when they meet their European Community counterparts for green talks .
29 Many of them have inordinately high mortgages around their necks and they are finding it extremely difficult to service them in this unusually long period of high interest rates .
30 The only effect of an increase in government spending is to increase their taxes and they are opposed .
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