Example sentences of "[pos pn] [noun] [pron] [modal v] [verb] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 But long ago , in 1946 , the questing and the questioning had become almost unbearable , and I knew that to keep my sanity I must force myself to an arbitrary conclusion : I would believe the least terrible of terrible possibilities — that the plane had been shot down over the Channel by enemy action .
2 I wish with all my heart I could believe what you say .
3 I know from experience that if I approached their hives with scented lotion on my hair it would make them angry . ’
4 The March of Progress has alas transformed the goodly white bread into that unique substance , restaurateur 's toast , while tea and coffee are replaced by gin-and-tonic or a bottle of white wine , and for my part I would say none the worse for that .
5 If I wanted to quadruple my income I could do it , very easily .
6 But if you comply with my proposals I will leave you ; if not I will make the most of this opportunity .
7 for my money I 'd have it with all metal
8 But whatever my decision I will keep it up my sleeve , ’ he said .
9 Right on one of them this bloke it says he hypnotises them and he goes when I click my fingers you will become my servant and he 's about to click his fingers like that when somebody comes and rescues them .
10 ‘ Perhaps before you help my sister you should help yourself . ’
11 And she said , ‘ George Dionisovich , at the moment I do n't want to sell them , but if I change my mind I 'll let you know ’ .
12 Even if I had no longer been able to see the real images in my mind I could see their representations as clearly as if they hung before me , and the two were beginning to run together .
13 BELVILLE : Now you are on my side I will leave you .
14 ‘ The table I write on , I say , exists , that is , I see and feel it ; and if I were out of my study I should say it existed , meaning thereby that if I was in my study I might perceive it . ’
15 ‘ The table I write on , I say , exists , that is , I see and feel it ; and if I were out of my study I should say it existed , meaning thereby that if I was in my study I might perceive it . ’
16 From my seat I could see your profile .
17 She said that if I stood in my doorway I could see her face , for the girl was not veiled .
18 ‘ If it concerns one of my clients you must appreciate my position is quite clear . ’
19 mummy , ask daddy which is my bouquet I 'll have it now .
20 Like if I sit there painting my nails he 'll say what started that ?
21 If they could shoot my child what would stop them doing it to someone else ?
22 You come with me then my darling I 'll take you !
23 Well my pal and myself we took these two girls and we sat in the middle of the Temperance Hall and he said come on let's sit over on the balcony he says and put up my clothes by the radiator he says it 's been raining he says and it will dry them , so we moved , and exactly from were we moved was where the women got killed , just candelabra dropped on her and er when it happened the fella on the stage the comedian was singing , a hundred years from now you wo n't be here , and I wo n't be here and from the corner of my eye I could see something gradually dropping like one of these candelabras and I thought hello that 's part of the act you know , it was just gradually coming down and all of a sudden , whooosh and the roof came straight in oh and I do n't know sure I 'd I , everything went dark of course I mean it was all in blacked-out all the chairs were loose , so as the folks wended their way towards the exit doors they took the chairs with them , so they politely threw them back in the crowd that stood in the hall so you were dodging chairs as well as trying to get out , where we were , where we were seated the firemen were hacking at the windows thinking that it was a fire because all the dust had gone up in the air and the reflection of the light from the market I suppose and that would give the appearance of smoke , and he was , I said to this fireman I said there 's no fire , he says , he says there is I said there 's no fire in here , anyway we eventually got out but I took these girls back home to and I really , it was , properly unnerved us both and as we came on that old tram we were , we thought you know everything seemed to sort of upset us and when I got far more upset on the Sunday morning when I went to have a look at it , the whole roof had come right in , but there were fifty people got injured you know and about , oh there was one lady killed .
24 I keep my distance and do not look at him , though from the comer of my eye I can see him so smartly attired , decked out in scarves and jumpers , set to brace the cold and the street at any hour .
25 from the corner of my eye I can see his partner , tangled with his chair in the dirt behind the portacabin .
26 Come over to my place I 'll drop my trousers and we can have a quickie !
27 Thoroughly annoyed me because I 'd er every year when I 'd paid my tax I 'd pay my er national insurance and as far I 'm concerned that should 've entitled me .
28 Erm if I knew the pages in the report as well as I try to know my bible I could point you to another place Moderator where er
29 ‘ Now that I have got a diploma , I have a higher qualification for my job which will help me with my work and future progress ’ she said .
30 ‘ But since it 's obvious that I do n't have a bloody army at my back you can take me directly to the Countess , or the Sheriff of Gloucester , if he 's here . ’
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