Example sentences of "[pos pn] [adj] [noun sg] and [verb] him " in BNC.

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1 The dog refused to budge , so , instructing the two older girls to hold tight to the younger , I heaved up the 196lb of stubborn fur and staggered to the railing I went down to extricate my struggling son and carried him upwards followed by shrieking pleas of , ‘ Daddy , do n't leave us ’ and ‘ I want a carry ’ , from the frantic tadpole in charge of two red-faced little girls who were now starting to show signs of stain and filling tear-ducts .
2 " What the hell 's going on here Some bloody fool phoned my old man and told him that I need n't come in today , that Mrs. Schofield wanted me .
3 Bennett , on the other hand , had my absolute loyalty and to witness him in action led one to understand in later years what Lord Reith — founder Director of the BBC — meant when he said " I was never fully stretched " .
4 " How dared they steal my little son and bring him down here ? " he thought .
5 Had I been an IRA man , I could have pulled out my little Luger and shot him dead — a thought so unnerving that the next day I wrote to his private secretary to suggest improved security .
6 During my annual medical check-up in 1987 , Dr Dingle discovered a blood irregularity , but as I was fighting fit he said it was probably just a virus and I was to forget about it during my impending holiday and to see him on my return for a second blood test .
7 Were I to tell that story to my own son and tell him too of the subsequent shame and guilt that haunted me for months and is still so deeply etched in my memory , he would laugh and wonder what it was all about .
8 He also conducted extensive tests on his engines , which demonstrated their high efficiency and gained him a reputation as a highly scientific engineer .
9 She might have found it confusing that , in spite of having been married to the Father , it was God the Son who told her to treat Him as her wedded husband and kiss Him as much as she liked in bed , but Margery took things like that in her stride .
10 She picked him up with her left hand and held him clasped in her palm .
11 She and Marie-Claire and Monique sat , heavy , sulky , self-absorbed , graceless whilst Paul-Marie darted and chattered like a squirrel after the scaly balls and his parents sipped their white port and admired him .
12 A visionary at Much Wenlock , on the testimony of Boniface , proclaimed in Ceolred 's lifetime that the angels surrounding him had withdrawn their protective shield and abandoned him to demons because of the multitude of crimes he had committed .
13 She leaned out of her front bay-window and gave him a shout .
14 She schooled him on the lunge and in a fenced paddock over jumps , and then out in the fields and then out on the marshes , accompanying him on her own eventer and leading him over ditches and fences .
15 She sits on her own bed and watches him . )
16 However , before she herself was dismissed so that Dorothy could rest , her sister extracted a promise from her that she would set about finding out the boy 's address and , moreover , that Cynthia would contact her own solicitor and have him draw up a new will making Dorothy 's son her sole beneficiary .
17 One was from the Arisleus Vision : ‘ With so much love did Beya embrace Gabricus that she entirely absorbed him in her own nature and dissolved him in inseparable atoms . ’
18 Lynsey quickly remembered her fictitious ‘ dinner engagement ’ and said she would take her own car and follow him .
19 She was lost in her own delirium and clawed him unmercifully as she rode the mad race .
20 But she really must send Charlie her new address and tell him how peculiar it all was ; about the strange customs , still revered because Nelson had established them ; about rooms which were now cabins , walls which had become bulkheads and a kitchen she must now call a galley .
21 The Mutawas offered the father moral support in his strong stance and showered him with accolades for his religious conviction .
22 Royal Scottish Chief Executive Ian Offor wrote thanking him for his prompt action and sent him a Fortnum and Mason luxury hamper as a token of appreciation .
23 Charles was grumbling as Damian supported his weak body and helped him out to the car .
24 The £800,000 signing from Nottingham Forest then paid tribute to the man who has helped transform his fiery character and enable him to take such a setback calmly in his stride — player-boss Francis .
25 To improve his nutritional state and get him into clinical remission before surgery he was given Elemental 028 but immediately became systemically unwell and developed diarrhoea and vomiting .
26 Valerie Eliot was also his protector — as a secretary she had for a long time been organizing his daily life and guarding him from the world , and it was probably the calm assurance of her presence which first drew him towards her .
27 Antonio fished in his back pocket and handed him a card .
28 Educational success provided him with the means of breaching the barrier of his lowly birth and enabled him to gain access to the lower echelons of the petty bourgeoisie as an engineer in the French railway system .
29 He laid both hands to the ring and turned it , and it gave to his cautious thrust and let him in .
30 Will the Chancellor have a word with his Chief Secretary and tell him the facts of life , which are that the burden of taxation is much higher than it was in 1970 when the Labour party was in office ?
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