Example sentences of "[pos pn] [adj] [noun sg] of [noun] over " in BNC.

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1 He 'd had my bald account of events over the telephone in the morning , his first knowledge of what had happened .
2 It was also in this year that the Company lost — at least legally — its sole right of control over appointments , for schoolmasters were now required to hold licences from the Bishop of their province in this case , Chester .
3 " I hope I did n't wake you up , Aunt Tossie — I brought you these , " she proffered the scone because she had decided that Aunt Tossie really merited some small recognition for her mistaken act of kindness over the spinach .
4 Thus , someone who is primarily in an anorexic phase , using starvation as his or her prime method of control over emotions and relationships , may have episodes of bingeing and then starve again as a method of gaining further , illusory , control and in order to control the physical consequences of the binge .
5 It is explicable , at one level , by their profound sense of guilt over their own privileges , cultural and material , for which the masses , as Lavrov wrote , had paid ‘ billions of lives , oceans of blood , incalculable suffering and the endless toil of generations ’ .
6 European directives on acquired rights and the transfer of undertakings regulations have given public service shop stewards their first glimmer of light over C C T which they fought for a decade with little more than their own bluff and courage .
7 She no longer linked the flight with her own act of disobedience over the spinach , ably abetted by Aunt Tossie .
8 He also has no hesitation in reminding capitalism , in its spooky hour of triumph over communism , that the ‘ culture of contentment ’ has always depended on this underclass — indeed , has happily imported it when necessary to do the menial and distasteful jobs at the cheapest possible wage .
9 Ken was in his usual attire of raincoat over flannel trousers .
10 Fairbrother yelled , ‘ Goodbye , Toady ! ’ after the Murrays ' car , and crowed loudly with his diminishing circle of admirers over his enemies ' downfall , thereby reducing his popularity still further .
11 If the individual has a long position , his actual rate of return over the one-year holding period ( rh ) ( assuming T= I ) is .
12 Dinah and her father were discussing his forthcoming production of Macbeth over supper .
13 Third , as we monitored our representative sample of schools over a three year period , we could perceive some of them undergoing a process of structural transition , shifting away from the simple two-tier model towards departmentalism and/or a matrix structure .
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