Example sentences of "[pos pn] [adj] [noun sg] [conj] i [verb] " in BNC.

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1 And I explained to them it 's because having been unemployed most of my professional life that I 've always been short of money and that 's what 's led me to work on very cheap materials .
2 Mowbray said : ‘ I had just recovered from an Achilles injury on my right leg when I hurt my left ankle .
3 I heard the tyres screech and quickly moved my right leg because I knew he was about to make contact .
4 I righted myself and pain shot up my right leg as I put weight on it .
5 I put the branch two-handed over my right shoulder as I run up to them , jump over a small bush and then as I land at their side bring the branch swinging down .
6 Except a long metal trunk on the floor which removed a couple of inches of skin from my right shin as I scraped round it .
7 I am the Countess , no , the Princess Ludmila Hohenkopetal , imprisoned by my cruel stepfather because I wish to marry the impecunious Lieutenant Longlegs who is really a king 's son in disguise .
8 ‘ Craig is my first-born son and I love him dearly , ’ she paused , ‘ but , after what he 's done , Craig must consider himself disowned by the entire Grenfell family . ’
9 I pick up my old self and I see it 's silly .
10 By the time he had sorted everybody out and told them how to get to Bridlington it was too late for me to use my free pass and I had to pay half fare .
11 I 've been sifting through my daily routine and I 've turned up quite a handsome collection of finely-wrought deceits cultivated over the years .
12 My gun jammed and William recognised me and came forward laughing and firing shot after shot at me while I waved and tried to duck and these yellow paint balls went splat , splat , thunking into my hired camouflage trousers and combat jacket and smacking into my visored helmet while I waved at him and tried to get the damn gun to work and he just walked forward slowly shooting me ; bastard had his own paint gun and he 'd probably had it souped up ; knowing William , that was almost inevitable .
13 Only yesterday , my hon. Friend and I met a number of eminent representatives of the tourist industry from across the European Community .
14 I strongly agree with my hon. Friend and I join him in paying tribute to the management of the health service in his part of the country .
15 I agree with my hon. Friend and I condemn those authorities .
16 I entirely agree with my hon. Friend and I have read reports of the CBI 's views .
17 I assure the hon. Gentleman that my hon. Friend and I give the matter a high priority .
18 My hon. Friend and I share many ideas , including , I believe , those on monetary policy .
19 My hon. Friend and I want to know the answer .
20 I have made lots of lasting friendships along my Guiding road as I have through Medau and think myself lucky .
21 I can never remember my real name so I call myself after whatever day it is . ’
22 But just at that crucial point , fuel had run out , and my entire crew and I had perished in a piece of computer sand that will be forever Hackney .
23 ‘ You know I have n't walked so much during my entire lifetime as I 've walked these last few days , ’ he said with an effort to divert her from her dark thoughts .
24 It was n't until my second year that I told anything like the truth about my father .
25 ‘ Colin Harvey bought Mike Newell for the start of my second season and I ended up in the reserves , with all the publicity and pressure that brought .
26 Since they had n't spotted me earlier , there was no embarrassment attached to my circuitous ramble and I hailed them with a tone of voice that sounded as if I knew what I was doing .
27 ‘ My surgeon says further surgery would be morally wrong as it could affect my future health but I had to make an effort to get back after the England tour went wrong .
28 You get to ask for shells and in my wee toilet and I do n't
29 He said : ‘ I pulled the hamstring in my left leg as I picked the ball up to score a try .
30 That my , my little daughter and I eat grapes a lot .
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