Example sentences of "[pos pn] [adj] [noun] [prep] [noun sg] [det] " in BNC.

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1 I MADE one of my rare visits to town this week and I wish I had not .
2 ‘ In my last year at school another teacher roared with laughter when I said I wanted to be a professional footballer .
3 Indeed the approach in some ways resembled that of the early Russian school of soil science and involved the recognition of zonal phenomena as the direct results of latitudinal climatic belts ; of azonal phenomena arising from non-climatic control including endogenetic effects ; extrazonal phenomena which occurred beyond their normal range of occurrence such as sand dunes on coasts ; and polyzonal phenomena including those which operate in all regions of the globe subject to the same basic physical laws .
4 During their three hours off duty that night the pennies disappeared more quickly than the queue , but Tommy somehow continued to get better value for money than any other recruit .
5 I have not seen her alone face to face all the time we have been here and when I do see her in company she is wont to turn from me .
6 Leeds , UK-based VisionWare Ltd is supposed to announce its fourth product at Xhibition this week , but since it has taken a vow of silence everyone will have to wait until Thursday to find out what 's going on .
7 Some hospitals allow patients to keep their own blood in store several weeks in advance of surgery .
8 The West coast side have gone off the rails in recent weeks following successive defeats by Western and Hazlehead but as the cup is realistically their last chance of glory this term they will certainly not concede defeat from the want of effort .
9 Yet the times have indeed changed : and Burton 's early sexual insatiability , his later infidelities , his many women and his concurrent devotion to monogamy all need some explaining .
10 James Chaplin was born in 1886 , and during his early years at sea most of the craft were still under sail .
11 It marks and establishes the arcane authority of the ( usually male ) development expert much more profoundly and severely than his outer lineaments of specialness such as the belted safari suit he wears ‘ in the field ’ and the flap and epaulet-laden trench coat he sports at the conferences he attends with sickening frequency in the West .
12 McLeish threw it away and methodically sorted his notes ; he was not going near a top firm of solicitors without a very careful list of questions , and his first port of call that morning was to be Huttons , who had been Angela Morgan 's solicitors .
13 Mr. Keech aims to be in the community house each weekday morning but , during the rest of his 20 hours of employment each week , he will be out and about on the estate .
14 If you watch our top riders in action such as Ginny Leng , Mary Thomson , Mark Todd and the like , they demonstrate perfectly how to keep a horse in rhythm and balance with the correct amount of impulsion to jump each fence .
15 Our short time for debate this morning should be given to those victims .
16 Your only course of action this April seems to be to avoid any further confrontations and concentrate on professional interests or projects specially designed to exploit your creative abilities , as very shortly after the full Moon in Libra on the 10th there should be a beneficial alteration in your work .
17 On the basis of our initial fieldwork , we were able in our fifth report to group these under five main headings :
18 As you know Annabelle is our only daughter , so this will be our only chance to stage such a lovely wedding .
19 All I know is that it was our biggest stroke of luck this season . ’
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