Example sentences of "in [to-vb] [that] " in BNC.

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1 Mr Larsen has been roped in to see that all the music lovers of Gullshaven are informed — I know that the doctor and the pastor and one or two of the schoolteachers are devoted to music .
2 The number of safety advisers working in the field in SWWA 's region was reduced from six to two after a visit from the government 's ‘ flying accountants ’ , brought in to see that the Authority met its ‘ performance aims ’ after financial cuts in 1980 .
3 I think I mean it was interesting cos someone said earlier about people coming in I mean once you get them in I mean I always feel it 's like the pantomime each year which is an amateur pantomime yet the actual people coming in to see that I mean it 's well in the ninety per cent 's and you talk to people when they come to see the pantomime and ver invariably the the mum 's or dad 's say no I do n't normally come to theatre but I come to the pantomime and they enjoy it very much and when you talk to them they can say well what you think of it ?
4 Mary came in to see that they were well enough served and , yielding to a hint from Hope , stayed a while to watch , with him , the strange behaviour of this incongruous pair .
5 It was n't a safe time to communicate as the guards often popped in to see that we were still exercising .
6 Sergeant Curtis came in to report that a woman living near Riddle had seen him in Bay View Terrace on Friday evening , but this merely confirmed the route he had taken .
7 Occasionally fans write in to demand that offside be abolished altogether .
8 A correspondent , Victor Coughtrecy , wrote in to demand that ‘ you really must climb down from your ivory tower and admit that you ( and I ) represent a tiny minority of intellectual misfits …
9 Shots were fired in Miyazawa 's party office on Feb. 11 , after an armed man forced his way in to demand that the government should resign over its corruption record , and that the pre-war system of emperor worship should be reinstated .
10 Fabia saw no point in butting in to comment that she had in fact come very close to doing that very thing , and after a few moments ' pause Ven went on , ‘ I knew I 'd bruised your pride , but that had been necessary when my desire for you had threatened to blot out reason .
11 Indeed , when small shareholders in Trafalgar House dared to show an active interest in the reappointment of the auditors , the institutional shareholders ' votes were promptly thrown in to ensure that the power of decision remained with the directors .
12 Er it 's something that we 're trained in to ensure that there is nobody hiding behind the door .
13 Council officials in Hartlepool have stepped in to ensure that members of the town 's branch of the Durham Light Infantry Association are able to attend a special reunion of wartime comrades .
14 ‘ There is no shortage of back-up and if there is a talented athlete , a lot of resources will be poured in to ensure that his or her potential is reached .
15 The centres conduct selection procedures , which involve an interview , and in the case of large dogs , make an initial visit to make sure the home is suitable , plus a follow-up once the dog is settled in to check that all is OK .
16 But she adds : ‘ As many people as have written saying we should revise them have written in to say that it 's outrageous to think we should even consider revising them …
17 Derek Johns of Sheffield writes in to say that a company that has a rare new species named after it could find its share price sensitive to any environmental news .
18 On another occasion a client rang in to say that he had left an extremely expensive bottle of perfume on the plane .
19 Anyhow , it had been going for a very short time , not very satisfactory , because none of us really were very successful with our machine , and then a … messenger came in to say that a [ radio ] taxi driver had come into No. 10 to say he 's heard everything going on in his taxi in Whitehall .
20 If anyone writes in to say that Francis Bacon noticed the flashes when he got out of his coach to freeze a chicken in the snow , I shall leave the country , suitably disguised , and write piteous letters about being a laughing stock to all , coupled with the name of sundry .
21 Wayne had rung in to say that he was sick , which meant that the little creep did n't want to drive past the picket line .
22 On 27th May 1854 while the Board of Guardians was in session a message was passed in to say that two persons from St. Cuthbert with smallpox had just been brought to the workhouse .
23 Jasper had cut in to say that of course he understood this : " Everyone did . "
24 At that point Posi chimed in to say that another vessel had come into visual range just beyond the Valve .
25 When Mrs Grandison had rejoined them it was still not quite half-past two , but Mark came in to say that as everybody was already waiting in the hall and it would be difficult to restrain them from buying things much longer , the bazaar might as well be opened immediately .
26 They were at the toast and marmalade stage when Mrs. Mackintosh came in to say that Sir Bryan was wanted on the telephone .
27 Do you have to write in to say that you accept it ?
28 A caller phoned in to say that she could n't get past her local doctor when she wanted a home help , and he said ‘ Well you 're coping well enough ’ .
29 At that moment the camera tracked to the left and zoomed in to reveal that Nicola had a tube of paper up her left nostril and was pretending to sniff cocaine from the table top .
30 It 's almost worth advertising alcohol just to preserve the lobbying the brewers indulge in to prove that it does n't encourage young people to drink , just for the sight of their endless statistics that prove that all this money they spend on advertising is n't making anybody buy their product : run this by me again , why are you doing it ?
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