Example sentences of "in [subord] [indef pn] " in BNC.

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1 The first house he built for his own occupation was a stopgap , put up to live in until something more suitable was acquired .
2 Error comes in if one over-interprets the relevance of these conclusions , by forgetting the artificial constraints of the experiment and instead assuming that in real life , outside the laboratory so to say , such changes involving only a single variable can actually take place ; that it is a simple matter to extrapolate back from the artificiality of laboratory isolation to the complex , rich interconnectedness of the real world .
3 In if everyone had a meter ,
4 So that 's one of my hobbies , I do n't know whether I 'll be going to Nepal or anywhere like that again , but it , I 've certainly got er lots of happy memories of that experience and er I 've brought erm a photo album erm with some of my pictures in if anyone would like to have a look
5 Do n't just bung them in because everybody else is .
6 It is one thing to move out — not to be able to move back in because one 's place has been usurped is quite another .
7 out , he says to me you 'll kill yourself , you always want to do something , but to be honest it 's worse for me to sit there and watch that , it 's more tiring because by the end of the night I 'm not tired or I 've been asleep all evening I , I 'm better to go out , I know it sounds awful but I do n't like being trapped , I do n't like being in because somebody seems to think I should be in
8 If you like , it 's not a pleasant position to be in because someone 's going to be disappointed at the end of the day , but they are diamonds .
9 At worst it is the perpetuation of the addictive urges to blame others for the problems of self and to persist in considering one 's self to be special and different .
10 Capitol police bolted and locked all the windows , in case a prowler was coming in after everyone had left : no luck .
11 Yeah , but basically from , from that programme all , all the er , you can see all the resources were really being used all week and , but I had a problem when we came to do the bedrooms that er , you can there , we ran out of work for the decorators to do er removing this thing , once you 've removed and then I managed to squeeze in , but where the second decorator 's erm up to room twenty-three but rather than erm have just one gang than , and not , not using as many as the resources as we possibly could I let them gave the second gang a few rooms that they could actually squeeze in without interrupting I 've let them do up to room twenty-three and then and then basically the carpenting and they have to come in after everybody else has done what they Monday morning basically we just decided that we really needed more resources the earlier sequence of events to , to get so we were getting to so whether we 've been given
12 Overall the cost of a funeral often comes as a big shock to people and the vicar 's fees , peripheral as they are to the main bill , come in for lots of cynical comments like ‘ Even at a time like this , the church is making money . ’
13 But there was somebody in in the street where I lived , who was a spiv , and he was considered to be the black sheep of the family , did n't quite fit in when everybody else did .
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